nf-core/configs: Crop Diversity HPC Configuration
Configuration for the Crop Diversity high performance computing (HPC) cluster.
Prior to using nextflow, please follow the instructions on the help pages for installing conda with intall-bioconda.
We advise either creating a conda environment containing nextflow, or installing nextflow in your base environment if this is not possible.
Software sources
We recommend using the config as default to use Singularity. However, if you wish to override Singularity and use the conda, use the -profile cropdiversityhpc,conda
DO NOT run Nextflow pipelines on gruffalo. Instead use a batch script, or alternatively an interactive session within an uninterruptable window (screen or tmux). We recommend providing 4G of memory.
Please also keep in mind the time limits of various queues, medium is the default and has a 24 hour time limit. If your job running the core Nextflow process times out your run will fail.
If you are timed out, or have errors in your run, please use the -resume
option to avoid unecessary repetition of tasks.
To use this profile, simply pass Nextflow the -profile cropdiversityhpc flag eg.
nextflow run nf-core/_pipeline_ -profile cropdiversityhpc --outdir results
In case of issues, please feel free to reach out to me (Thomas Adams) on the Crop Diversity HPC Slack.
Config file
params {
config_profile_description = 'Crop Diversity HPC cluster profile'
config_profile_contact = 'Thomas Adams (@TMAdams)'
config_profile_url = ''
executor {
name = 'slurm'
process {
executor = 'slurm'
queue = { task.memory <= 32.GB ? (task.time < 6.h ? task.memory <=2.GB ? 'hicpu': 'short' : task.time < 24.h ? 'medium' : 'long') : 'himem' }
singularity {
enabled = true
pullTimeout = '2 h'
report {
overwrite = true