Details of past and future trainings around nf-core.
- 2025
- #animal genomics: January Meeting
- #regulatory monthly meeting
- Bytesize: Content Addressable Data Storage
- Bytesize: data science operations (DSO)
- Bytesize: using JSON schema in Nextflow pipelines
- Bytesize: Special Interest Group regulatory
- Bytesize: nf-core/smrnaseq
- Hackathon March 2025 (Online / Distributed)
- 2024
- #animal genomics: December Meeting
- #animal genomics: July Meeting
- #animal genomics: June Meeting
- #animal genomics: May Meeting
- CANCELLED: #animal genomics: November Meeting
- #animal genomics: October Meeting
- #animal genomics: September Meeting
- #animal genomics: Inaugural Meeting
- #regulatory monthly meeting
- #regulatory monthly meeting
- #regulatory: Where do we stand and where do we want to go?
- #regulatory: Kick Off Meeting
- Bioimage Analysis Workshop September 2024 (Tübingen)
- Bytesize: Special Interest Group meta omics
- Bytesize: Animating subway maps
- Bytesize: nf-core blog
- Bytesize: Six tips for community based pipeline development
- Bytesize: nf-core/differentialabundance
- Bytesize: Excalidraw
- Bytesize: nf-core hackathons
- Bytesize: nf-core/metatdenovo
- Bytesize: Contributing to Nextflow
- Bytesize: Nextflow Executors
- Bytesize: the ` nf-core download` command
- Bytesize: nft bam
- Bytesize: Get your containers with "Nextflow inspect"
- Bytesize: Making Pipeline level tests with nf-test
- Bytesize: Resolving merge conflicts after a tools release
- Bytesize: Special Interest Group Animal Genomics
- Bytesize: Containers for HPC with Singularity
- Bytesize: Explaining Wave containers
- Bytesize: nf-core Special Interest Groups
- Hackathon October 2024 (Barcelona)
- Hackathon May 2024 (Boston)
- Hackathon March 2024 (Online)
- Bytesize: Removing the 'lib/' directory from the template
- Community Foundational Nextflow Training March 2024
- 2023
- Bytesize: A beginners guide to nf-core
- Bytesize: Converting pytest modules to nf-test
- Bytesize: nf-core/crisprseq
- Bytesize: Using nf-core configs in custom pipelines
- Bytesize: nf-core/funcscan
- Bytesize: git concepts
- Bytesize: Setting up a gitpod environment
- Bytesize: HackMD and reveal.js
- Bytesize: nf-core/hgtseq
- Bytesize: nf-core/mag
- Bytesize: Experiences in the nf-core Mentoring Program
- Bytesize: The Art of a Minimal Example
- Bytesize: nf-core modules patch
- Bytesize: nf-core/taxprofiler
- Bytesize: nf-validation
- Bytesize: nf-core/pangenome
- Bytesize: nf-core/pre commit
- Bytesize: Converting Python scripts into packages for PyPI, Bioconda & Biocontainers
- Bytesize: nf-core/quantms
- Bytesize: nf-core community survey 2023
- Bytesize: transcripts of bytesize talks
- Bytesize: training translations
- Bytesize: variantcatalogue
- Bytesize: nf-core/viralintegration
- Bytesize: Using Wave Containers
- Bytesize: The new nf-core website
- Bytesize: Workflow safety and immutable objects
- Hackathon March 2023 (Online)
- Hackathon November 2023 (Boston)
- Hackathon October 2023 (Barcelona)
- Nextflow Symposium 2023
- Nextflow in Action
- Community Foundational Nextflow Training September 2023
- Hands on Nextflow Training September 2023
- nf-core Training March 2023
- Community Advanced Nextflow Training September 2023
- 2022
- Bytesize 31: nf-core/dualrnaseq
- Bytesize 32: nf-core/rnaseq
- Bytesize 33: Nextflow Tower CLI
- Bytesize 34: Updates on the new DSL2 syntax
- Bytesize 35: Troubleshooting a failed pipeline
- Bytesize 36: Customising your MultiQC reports
- Bytesize 37: Gather Town
- Bytesize 40: Software packaging
- Bytesize 41: Code linting tools
- Bytesize: Subworkflows
- Bytesize: Bactopia & using nf-core components in non nf-core pipelines
- Bytesize: nf-core/chipseq
- Bytesize: using custom scripts in Nextflow pipelines
- Bytesize 2022 05 17: nf-core/cutandrun
- Bytesize: DSL2 Coding style recommendations (Part 1)
- Bytesize:
- Bytesize: nf-core/inkscape and tube map diagrams
- Bytesize: nf-core/nanoseq
- Bytesize: nf-core/nascent
- Bytesize: nf-core/proteinfold
- Bytesize: resources to learn Nextflow
- Bytesize: nf-core/rnafusion
- Bytesize: The Nextflow and nf-core community survey
- Bytesize: nf-core/viralrecon
- Bytesize: Working with GitHub using VSCode and Github CLI
- Bytesize: community updates Sep 2022
- Bytesize: Configuring lint tests
- Bytesize: nf-core/airrflow
- Bytesize: nf-test
- EuroFAANG Training Workshop
- Hackathon March 2022
- Hackathon October 2022 (Barcelona)
- nf-core Training October 2022
- 2021
- Bytesize 1: Introduction to nf-core
- Bytesize 10: Making a new institutional profile
- Bytesize 11: Development environments & workflows
- Bytesize 12: Template sync how to merge automated PRs
- Bytesize 13: Tuning pipeline performance
- Bytesize 14: Graphic design / pipeline diagrams
- Bytesize 15: Pipeline first release
- Bytesize 16: Modules test data
- Bytesize 17: Pytest workflow
- Bytesize 18: Development environments & workflows II
- Bytesize 19: Setting up AWS megatests
- Bytesize 2: How nf-core configs work
- Bytesize 20: Nextflow Tower
- Bytesize 21: nf-core/mhcquant
- Bytesize 22: nf-core/eager
- Bytesize 23: nf-core/hic
- Bytesize 24: Where do I start writing my own DSL2 pipeline?!
- Bytesize 25: nf-core/ampliseq
- Bytesize 26: nf-core/metaboigniter
- Bytesize 27: nf-core/smrnaseq
- Bytesize 28: nf-core/sarek
- Bytesize 29: nf-core/coproid
- Bytesize 3: Pipeline code structure walkthrough
- Bytesize 30: nf-core/pgdb
- Bytesize 4: GitHub contribution basics
- Bytesize 5: DSL2 module development
- Bytesize 6: All about modules
- Bytesize 7: Making the CI tests pass
- Bytesize 8: Running pipelines offline
- Bytesize 9: JSON schema: What, why and how
- ELIXIR Reproducible Research Workshop Nextflow and nf-core
- GenomeWeb Webinar
- Hackathon March 2021
- Hackathon October 2021
- Seqera Labs Cloud Webinar Series Nextflow on Azure Batch
- 2020
- BovReg Workshop and hackathon
- AWS In Spotlight Webinar Series
- BOSC 2020: nf-core poster / demo
- BOSC 2020 Lightning talk: What’s new with nf-core
- ECCB 2020 ELIXIR Workshop on FAIR Computational Workflows
- ELIXIR Proteomics Community Connection with nf-core
- Hackathon @ The Crick
- Hackathon July 2020
- Seminario Institucional, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Introduction to nf-core/eager
- JOBIM 2020: nf-core, a community effort for collaborative, peer reviewed analysis pipelines