
A tool to parse and summarise results from antimicrobial peptides tools and present functional classification.


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


amp_input (list)

The path to the directory containing the results for the AMP tools for each sample processed or a list of files corresponding to each file generated by AMP tools.

[*amptool.tsv, *amptool.tsv]

faa_input (file)

The path to the file corresponding to the respective protein fasta files with ‘.faa’ extension. File names have to contain the corresponding sample name, i.e. sample_1.faa


opt_amp_db (directory)

The path to the folder containing the fasta and tsv database files.



Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


versions (file)

File containing software versions


sample_dir (directory)

The output directory that contains the summary output and related alignment files for one sample.


txt (file)

An alignment file containing the results from the DIAMOND alignment step done on all AMP hits.


csv (file)

A file containing the summary report of all predicted AMP hits from all AMP tools given as input and the corresponding taxonomic and functional classification from the alignment step.


faa (file)

A fasta file containing the amino acid sequences of all predicted AMP hits.


summary_csv (file)

A file that concatenates all samples ampcombi summaries. This is activated with --complete_summary true.


summary_html (file)

A file that concatenates all samples ampcombi summaries. This is activated with --complete_summary true.


log (file)

A log file that captures the standard output ina log file. Can be activated by --log.


results_db (directory)

If the AMP reference database is not provided by the user using the flag `—amp_database’, by default the DRAMP database will be downloaded, filtered and stored in this folder.


results_db_dmnd (file)

AMP reference database converted to DIAMOND database format.


results_db_fasta (file)

AMP reference database fasta file, cleaned of diamond-uncompatible characters.


results_db_tsv (file)

AMP reference database in tsv-format with two columns containing header and sequence.




This tool parses the results of amp prediction tools into a single table and aligns the hits against a reference database of antimicrobial peptides for functional classifications.