
Generally applicable transcriptome-wide analysis of translational efficiency using anota2seq


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing contrast information. e.g. [ id:‘contrast1’,
blocking:‘patient’ ]

sample_treatment_col (string)

The column in the sample sheet that should be used to define groups for

reference (string)

The value within the contrast_variable column of the sample sheet that
should be used to derive the reference samples

target (string)

The value within the contrast_variable column of the sample sheet that
should be used to derive the target samples

meta2 (map)

Groovy map containing study-wide metadata related to the sample sheet
and matrix

samplesheet (file)

CSV or TSV format sample sheet with sample metadata

counts (file)

Raw TSV or CSV format expression matrix


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing contrast information. e.g. [ id:‘contrast1’,
blocking:‘patient’ ]

translated_mrna (file)

anota2seq results for the ‘translated mRNA’ analysis, describing differences in RNA levels across conditions for Ribo-seq samples. See for description of output columns.


total_mrna (file)

anota2seq results for the ‘translated mRNA’ analysis, describing differences in RNA levels across conditions for RNA-seq samples. See for description of output columns.


translation (file)

anota2seq results for the ‘translated mRNA’ analysis, describing differences in translation across conditions, being differences in translated RNA levels not explained by total RNA levels. See for description of output columns.


buffering (file)

anota2seq results for the ‘translated mRNA’ analysis, describing buffering across conditions, being stable levels of translated RNA (from riboseq samples) across conditions, despite changes in total mRNA. See for description of output columns.


mrna_abundance (file)

anota2seq results for the ‘mRNA abunance’ analysis, describing changes across conditions consistent between total mRNA and translated RNA (RNA-seq and Riboseq samples). See for description of output columns.


rdata (file)

Serialised Anota2seqDataSet object


fold_change_plot (file)

A fold change plot in PNG format, from anota2seq’s anota2seqPlotFC()


interaction_p_distribution_plot (file)

The distribution of p-values and adjusted p-values for the omnibus
interaction (both using densities and histograms). The second page of
the pdf displays the same plots but for the RVM statistics if RVM is


residual_distribution_summary_plot (file)

Summary plot for assessing normal distribution of regression residuals.


residual_vs_fitted_plot (file)

QC plot showing residuals against fitted values.


rvm_fit_for_all_contrasts_group_plot (file)

QC plot showing the CDF of variance (theoretical vs empirical), all


rvm_fit_for_interactions_plot (file)

QC plot showing the CDF of variance (theoretical vs empirical), for


rvm_fit_for_omnibus_group_plot (file)

QC plot showing the CDF of variance (theoretical vs empirical), for
omnibus group.


simulated_vs_obt_dfbetas_without_interaction_plot (file)

Bar graphs of the frequencies of outlier dfbetas using different
dfbetas thresholds.


session_info (file)

dump of R SessionInfo


versions (file)

File containing software versions

