
Split VCF by chunks or regions, creating multiple VCFs.


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


vcf (file)

The input VCF to scatter


tbi (file)

Optional index of the input VCF


sites_per_chunk (integer)

How many variants should be in each output file
Either this or scatter or scatter_file have to be given

scatter (string)

A comma delimited list of regions to scatter into
Either this or sites_per_chunk or scatter_file have to be given

scatter_file (file)

A file containing a region on each line with an optional second column containing the filename
Either this or sites_per_chunk or scatter have to be given

regions (file)

Optional file containing the regions to work on


targets (file)

Optional file containing the regions to work on (but streams instead of index-jumping)



Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


versions (file)

File containing software versions


scatter (file)

The resulting files of the scattering


csi (file)

Default VCF file index


tbi (file)

Alternative VCF file index
