
Module to use Cell Ranger’s pipelines to analyze sequencing data produced from various Chromium technologies, including Single Cell Gene Expression, Single Cell Immune Profiling, Feature Barcoding, and Cell Multiplexing.


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


gex_fastqs (file)

FASTQ files for gene expression analysis


vdj_fastqs (file)

FASTQ files for V(D)J immunoprofiling analysis


ab_fastqs (file)

FASTQ files for antibody analysis


beam_fastqs (file)

FASTQ files for Barcode-Enabled Antigen Mapping (antigen analysis)


cmo_fastqs (file)

FASTQ files for cell multiplexing data


gex_reference (directory)

Folder containing Cellranger gene expression reference. Can also be a gzipped tarball


gex_frna_probeset (file)

Fixed RNA profiling information containing custom probes in CSV format


gex_targetpanel (file)

Declaration of the target panel for Targeted Gene Expression analysis


vdj_reference (directory)

Folder containing Cellranger V(D)J reference. Can also be a gzipped tarball


vdj_primer_index (file)

List of custom V(D)J inner enrichment primers


fb_reference (file)

The Feature Barcodes used for reference in Feature Barcoding Analysis


beam_antigen_panel (file)

The BEAM manifest in Feature Barcode CSV format


beam_control_panel (file)

The BEAM antigens set to control status, with corresponding MHC alleles, in Feature Barcode CSV format


cmo_reference (file)

Path to a custom Cell Multiplexing CSV reference IDs, or the cmo-set option in Cellranger


cmo_barcodes (file)

A CSV file appended to the Cellranger multi config linking samples to CMO IDs


cmo_barcode_assignment (file)

A CSV file that specifies the barcode-sample assignment in Cell Multiplexing analysis


frna_sampleinfo (file)

Sample information for fixed RNA analysis



Name (Type)

config (file)

The resolved Cellranger multi config used for analysis


outs (file)

Files containing the outputs of Cell Ranger


versions (file)

File containing software versions



10X Genomics EULA

Cell Ranger by 10x Genomics is a set of analysis pipelines that process Chromium single-cell data to align reads, generate feature-barcode matrices, perform clustering and other secondary analysis, and more.