
A tool to raise the quality of viral genomes assembled from short-read metagenomes via resolving and joining of contigs fragmented during de novo assembly.


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:'sample1' ]

fasta (file)

Assembly file (contigs/scaffolds) in FASTA format


coverage (file)

TSV file with 2 columns containing 1) the contig/scaffold id and
2) the coverage depth of the sequence specified in column 1


query (file)

File containing the query contigs that the user wants COBRA to extend. This
can be provided in one-column TXT or FASTA format. (The IDs must match the IDs
in the --fasta file exactly)


bam (file)

Sorted BAM/CRAM/SAM file resulting from mapping reads used in assembly
to the resulting assembly FASTA


assembler (string)

The name of the tool used to assemble contigs


mink (integer)

The minimum kmer size used to assemble contigs


maxk (integer)

The maximum kmer size used to assemble contigs



Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:'sample1', single_end:false ]

extended_assemblies (file)

Gzipped FASTA file containing query contigs that are already circular


extended_circular (file)

Gzipped FASTA file containing query contigs that were joined and extended
into a circular genome


extended_partial (file)

Gzipped FASTA file containing query contigs were joined and extended, but
not into circular sequences


extended_failed (file)

Gzipped FASTA file containing query contigs that could not be extended due
to COBRA rules


orphan_end (file)

Gzipped FASTA file containing query contigs that do not shared the
”expected overlap length” with other contigs


all_assemblies (file)

Gzipped FASTA file containing all FASTA outputs combined into one file


joining_summary (file)

TSV file containing information regarding COBRA’s extension results


log (file)

Log file containing the contents of each processing


versions (file)

File containing software versions




COBRA is a tool to get higher quality viral genomes assembled from metagenomes.