
Copy number and genotype annotation from whole genome and whole exome sequencing data


Name (Type)

args (map)

Groovy Map containing tool parameters. MUST follow the structure/keywords below and be provided via modules.config.
Parameters marked as (optional) can be removed from the map, if they are not set. All values must be surrounded by quotes, meta map parameters can be set with, i.e. sex =
For default values, please check the documentation above.

    "general" :[  
        "bedgraphoutput": (optional),  
        "breakpointthreshold": (optional),  
        "breakpointtype": (optional),  
        "coefficientofvariation": (optional),  
        "contamination": (optional),  
        "contaminationadjustment": (optional),  
        "degree": (optional),  
        "forcegccontentnormalization": (optional),  
        "gccontentprofile": (optional),  
        "intercept": (optional),  
        "mincnalength": (optional),  
        "minmappabilityperwindow": (optional),  
        "minexpectedgc": (optional),  
        "maxexpectedgc": (optional),  
        "minimalsubclonepresence": (optional),  
        "noisydata": (optional),  
        "ploidy": (optional),  
        "printNA": (optional),  
        "readcountthreshold": (optional),  
        "sex": (optional),  
        "step": (optional),  
        "telocentromeric": (optional),  
        "uniquematch": (optional),  
        "window": (optional)  
        "inputformat": (required),  
        "mateorientation": (optional),  
        "inputformat": (required),  
        "mateorientation": (optional),  
        "minimalcoverageperposition": (optional),  
        "minimalqualityperposition": (optional),  
        "shiftinquality": (optional)  

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


mateFile_normal (file)

File with mapped reads


mateFile_tumor (file)

File with mapped reads


cpn_normal (file)

Raw copy number profiles (optional)


cpn_tumor (file)

Raw copy number profiles (optional)


minipileup_normal (file)

miniPileup file from previous run (optional)


minipileup_tumor (file)

miniPileup file from previous run (optional)


fasta (file)

Reference file (optional; required if args ‘makePileup’ is set)


fai (file)

Fasta index


snp_position (file)

Path to a BED or VCF file with SNP positions to create a mini pileup file from the initial BAM file provided in mateFile (optional)


known_snps (file)

File with known SNPs


known_snps_tbi (file)

Index of known_snps


chr_directory (file)

Path to directory with chromosome fasta files (optional, required if gccontentprofile is not provided)


mappability (file)

Contains information of mappable positions (optional)


target_bed (file)

Sorted bed file containing capture regions (optional)



Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


versions (file)

File containing software versions


bedgraph (file)

Bedgraph format for the UCSC genome browser


control_cpn (file)

files with raw copy number profiles


sample_cpn (file)

files with raw copy number profiles


gcprofile_cpn (file)

file with GC-content profile.


BAF (file)

file B-allele frequencies for each possibly heterozygous SNP position


CNV (file)

file with coordinates of predicted copy number alterations.


info (file)

parsable file with information about FREEC run


ratio (file)

file with ratios and predicted copy number alterations for each window


config (file)

Config file used to run Control-FREEC



GPL >=2

Copy number and genotype annotation from whole genome and whole exome sequencing data.