
Adds predicted functional consequence, gene overlap, and noncoding element overlap annotations to SV VCF from GATK-SV pipeline. Input files are an SV VCF, a GTF file containing primary or canonical transcripts, and a BED file containing noncoding elements. Output file is an annotated SV VCF.


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


vcf (file)

A VCF file created with a structural variant caller


tbi (file)

The index file of the VCF


bed (file)

Regions to limit the analysis to


fasta (file)

Optional - reference FASTA file needed when the input is a CRAM file


fasta_fai (file)

Optional - index of the reference FASTA file needed when the input is a CRAM file


dict (file)

Optional - sequence dictionary of the reference FASTA file needed when the input is a CRAM file



Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


versions (file)

File containing software versions


annotated_vcf (file)

The annotated structural variant VCF


index (file)

The index of the VCF
