
Program to compute the genotyping error rate at the sample or marker level.


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


region (string)

Target region used for imputation, including left and right buffers (e.g. chr20:1000000-2000000). Can also be a list of such regions.


freq (file)

File containing allele frequencies at each site.


truth (file)

Validation dataset called at the same positions as the imputed file.


estimate (file)

Imputed dataset file obtain after phasing.


samples (file)

List of samples to process, one sample ID per line.


groups (file)

Alternative to frequency bins, group bins are user defined, provided in a file.


bins (string)

Allele frequency bins used for rsquared computations.
By default they should as MAF bins [0-0.5], while
they should take the full range [0-1] if —use-ref-alt is used.

0 0.01 0.05 ... 0.5

ac_bins (string)

User-defined allele count bins used for rsquared computations.

1 2 5 10 20 ... 100000

allele_counts (string)

Default allele count bins used for rsquared computations.
AN field must be defined in the frequency file.

min_val_gl (float)

Minimum genotype likelihood probability P(G|R) in validation data.
Set to zero to have no filter of if using –gt-validation

min_val_dp (integer)

Minimum coverage in validation data.
If FORMAT/DP is missing and –min_val_dp > 0, the program exits with an error.
Set to zero to have no filter of if using –gt-validation


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


versions (file)

File containing software versions.


errors_cal (file)

Calibration correlation errors between imputed dosages (in MAF bins) and highly-confident genotype.


errors_grp (file)

Groups correlation errors between imputed dosages (in MAF bins) and highly-confident genotype.


errors_spl (file)

Samples correlation errors between imputed dosages (in MAF bins) and highly-confident genotype.


rsquare_grp (file)

Groups r-squared correlation between imputed dosages (in MAF bins) and highly-confident genotype.


rsquare_spl (file)

Samples r-squared correlation between imputed dosages (in MAF bins) and highly-confident genotype.


rsquare_per_site (file)

Variant r-squared correlation between imputed dosages (in MAF bins) and highly-confident genotype.




GLIMPSE2 is a phasing and imputation method for large-scale low-coverage sequencing studies.