
Produces a Newick format phylogeny from a multiple sequence alignment using the maxium likelihood algorithm. Capable of bacterial genome size alignments.


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy map containing sample information for the
alignment/tree file, e.g. [ id: ‘test’ ]

alignment (file)

Input alignment file in PHYLIP, FASTA, NEXUS, CLUSTAL or MSF format (-s)


tree (file)

File containing one or multiple phylogenetic trees (-t): - Single tree used e.g. as starting tree for tree search - Set of trees used e.g. for distance computation, consensus tree construction


tree_te (file)

File containing single phylogenetic tree (-te) Use cases: - fixed user tree to skip tree search - ancestral sequence reconstruction


lmclust (file)

NEXUS file containing taxon clusters for quartet mapping analysis (-lmclust)


mdef (file)

NEXUS model file defining new models (-mdef)


partitions_equal (file)

Partition file for edge-equal partition model, all partitions share same set of branch lengths (-q)


partitions_proportional (file)

Partition file for edge-equal partition model, all partitions share same set of branch lengths (-spp)


partitions_unlinked (file)

Partition file for edge-equal partition model, all partitions share same set of branch lengths (-sp)


guide_tree (file)

File containing guide tree for inference of site frequency profiles (-ft)


sitefreq_in (file)

Site frequency file (-fs)


constraint_tree (file)

File containing opological constraint tree in NEWICK format. The constraint tree can be a multifurcating tree and need not to include all taxa. (-g)


trees_z (file)

File containing a set of trees for which log-likelihoods should be computed (-z)

suptree (file)

File containing input “target” tree, support values are extracted from trees passed via -t, and mapped onto the target tree (-sup)

trees_rf (file)

File containing a second tree set (-rf). Used for computing the distance to the primary tree set (tree)



Name (Type)

phylogeny (file)

A phylogeny in Newick format


report (file)

Main report file containing computational
results as well as a textual visualization
of the final tree


mldist (file)

File containing the pairwise maximum
likelihood distances as a matrix


lmap_svg (file)

File containing likelihood mapping analysis
results in .svg format (-lmap/-lmclust)


lmap_eps (file)

File containing likelihood mapping analysis
results in .eps format (-lmap/-lmclust)


lmap_quartetlh (file)

File containing quartet log-likelihoods (-wql)


sitefreq_out (file)

File containing site frequency profiles (-ft)


bootstrap (file)

File containing all bootstrap trees (-wbt/-wbtl)


state (file)

File containing ancestral sequences for all
nodes of the tree by empirical Bayesian method (-asr)


contree (file)

File containing consensus tree (-con/-bb)


nex (file)

File containing consensus network (-net/-bb)


splits (file)

File containing consensus network in star-dot format (-wsplits)


suptree (file)

File containing tree with assigned support
values based on supplied “target” tree (-sup)


alninfo (file)

File containing alignment site statistics (-alninfo)


partlh (file)

File containing partition log-likelihoods (-wpl)


siteprob (file)

File containing site posterior probabilities (-wspr/-wspm/-wspmr)


sitelh (file)

File containing site log-likelihoods (-wsl/-wslr/-wslm/-wslmr)


treels (file)

File containing all locally optimal trees (-wt)


rate (file)

File containing inferred site-specific
evolutionary rates (-wsr)


mlrate (file)

File containing site-specific subtitution
rates determined by maximum likelihood (—mlrate)


exch_matrix (file)

File containing the exchangeability matrix obtained from the optimization (—link-exchange-rates)


log (file)

Log file of entire run


versions (file)

File containing software versions



GPL v2-or-later

Efficient phylogenomic software by maximum likelihood.