
Compare multiple runs of long read sequencing data and alignments


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


filelist (file)

List of all the files you want to compare, they have to be all the same filetype (either fastq, fasta, bam or Nanopore sequencing summary)



Name (Type)

versions (file)

File containing software versions


meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


report_html (file)

Summary of all collected statistics


lengths_violin_html (file)

Violin plot of the sequence lengths


log_length_violin_html (file)

Violin plot of the sequence lengths, log function applied


n50_html (file)

Bar plot of N50 sequence length per sample


number_of_reads_html (file)

Bar plot of number of reads per sample


overlay_histogram_html (file)

Histogram of all read lengths per sample


overlay_histogram_normalized_html (file)

Normalized histogram of all read lengths per sample


overlay_log_histogram_html (file)

Histogram of all read lengths per sample, log function applied


overlay_log_histogram_normalized_html (file)

Normalized histogram of all read lengths per sample, log function applied


total_throughput_html (file)

Barplot comparing throughput in bases


quals_violin_html (file)

Violin plot of base qualities, only for bam, fastq and sequencing summary input


overlay_histogram_identity_html (file)

Histogram of perfect reference identity, only for bam input


overlay_histogram_phredscore_html (file)

Histogram of phred scores, only for bam input


percent_identity_violin_html (file)

Violin plot comparing perfect reference identity, only for bam input


active_pores_over_time_html (file)

Scatter plot of active pores over time, only for sequencing summary input


cumulative_yield_plot_gigabases_html (file)

Scatter plot of cumulative yield, only for sequencing summary input


sequencing_speed_over_time_html (file)

Scatter plot of sequencing speed over time, only for sequencing summary input


stats_txt (file)

txt file with basic statistics



MIT License

Compare multiple runs of long read sequencing data and alignments