
An nf-core module for the OATK


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘Cladonia_norvegica’ ]

reads (file)

HiFi reads in FASTA format


mito_hmm (file)

mitochondria gene annotation HMM profile database


mito_hmm_h3f (file)

mitochondria gene annotation HMM profile binary auxfile


mito_hmm_h3i (file)

mitochondria gene annotation HMM profile binary auxfile


mito_hmm_h3m (file)

mitochondria gene annotation HMM profile binary auxfile


mito_hmm_h3p (file)

mitochondria gene annotation HMM profile binary auxfile


pltd_hmm (file)

plastid gene annotation HMM profile database


pltd_hmm_h3f (file)

plastid gene annotation HMM profile binary auxfile


pltd_hmm_h3i (file)

plastid gene annotation HMM profile binary auxfile


pltd_hmm_h3m (file)

plastid gene annotation HMM profile binary auxfile


pltd_hmm_h3p (file)

plastid gene annotation HMM profile binary auxfile



Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


versions (file)

File containing software versions


mito_fasta (file)

the structure-solved MT contigs


pltd_fasta (file)

the structure-solved PT contigs


mito_bed (file)

the gene annotation for the MT sequences


pltd_bed (file)

the gene annotation for the PT sequences


mito_gfa (file)

the subgraph for the MT genome


pltd_gfa (file)

the subgraph for the PT genome


annot_mito_txt (file)

the MT gene annotation file over all assembled sequences


annot_pltd_txt (file)

the PT gene annotation file over all assembled sequences


clean_gfa (file)

the GFA file for the clean genome assembly


final_gfa (file)

the GFA file for the final genome assembly


initial_gfa (file)

the GFA file for the initial genome assembly


multiplex_gfa (file)

the mutliplexed GFA file


unzip_gfa (file)

the unzipped GFA file




An organelle genome assembly toolkit