
Automatically improve draft assemblies and find variation among strains, including large event detection


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information for the fasta
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


fasta (file)

FASTA of the input genome


meta2 (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information for the bam file
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


bam (file)

BAM file of reads aligned to the input genome


bai (file)

BAI file (BAM index) of BAM reads aligned to the input genome


pilon_mode (string)

Indicates the type of bam file used (frags for paired-end sequencing of DNA fragments, such as Illumina paired-end reads of fragment size <1000bp, jumps for paired sequencing data of larger insert size, such as Illumina mate pair libraries, typically of insert size >1000bp, unpaired for unpaired sequencing reads, bam will automatically classify the BAM as one of the three types above (version 1.17 and higher).


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


versions (file)

File containing software versions


improved_assembly (file)

fasta file, improved assembly


change_record (file)

file containing a space-delimited record of every change made in the assembly as instructed by the —fix option


vcf (file)

Pilon variant output


tracks_bed (file)

files that may be viewed in genome browsers such as IGV, GenomeView, and other applications that support these formats


tracks_wig (file)

files that may be viewed in genome browsers such as IGV, GenomeView, and other applications that support these formats
