
Recodes plink bfiles into a new text fileset applying different modifiers


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


bed (file)

PLINK binary biallelic genotype table file


bim (file)

PLINK extended MAP file


fam (file)

PLINK sample information file



Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


versions (file)

File containing software versions


ped (file)

PLINK/MERLIN/Haploview text pedigree + genotype table file. Produced by the default “—recode” or by “—recode 12”.


map (file)

PLINK text fileset variant information file. Produced by the default “—recode” or by “—recode 12”.


txt (file)

Text file. Produced by “—recode 23”. Can only be used in a file with only one sample.


raw (file)

Additive + dominant component file. Produced by “—recode AD” or “—recode A”.


traw (file)

Variant-major additive component file. Produced by “—recode A-transpose”.


beagle-dat (file)

Single BEAGLE unphased genotype file. Produced by “—recode beagle” in ‘beagle-nomap’ mode.


chr-dat (file)

BEAGLE unphased genotype and variant information files. Produced by “—recode beagle”.


chr-map (file)

BEAGLE variant information files. Produced by “—recode beagle”.


geno (file)

BIMBAM genotype file. Produced by “—recode bimbam”.


pheno (file)

BIMBAM phenotype file. Produced by “—recode bimbam”.


pos (file)

BIMBAM variant position file. Produced by “—recode bimbam”.


phase (file)

fastPHASE format. Produced by “—recode fastphase”.


info (file)

Haploview map file. Produced by “—recode HV”.


lgen (file)

PLINK long-format genotype file. Produced by “—recode lgen”.


list (file)

Genotype list file. Produced by “—recode list”.


gen (file)

Oxford genotype file format. Produced by “—recode oxford”.


genz (file)

Compressed Oxford genotype file format. Produced by “—recode oxford gen-gz”.


sample (file)

Oxford sample information file. Produced by “—recode oxford”.


rlist (file)

Rare genotype list file. Produced by “—recode rlist”.


strctin (file)

Structure-format file. Produced by “—recode structure”.


tped (file)

Transposed text PED file. Produced by “—recode transpose”.


tfam (file)

Transposed text FAM file. Produced by “—recode transpose”.


vcf (file)

Variant calling file (VCF). Produced by “—recode vcf”.


vcfgz (file)

Compressed variant calling file (VCF). Produced by “—recode vcf bgz”.




Whole genome association analysis toolset, designed to perform a range of basic, large-scale analyses in a computationally efficient manner.