QUILT is an R and C++ program for rapid genotype imputation from low-coverage sequence using a large reference panel.
QUILT is an R and C++ program for rapid genotype imputation from low-coverage sequence using a large reference panel.
(Optional) File with positions of where to impute, lining up one-to-one with genfile. File is tab separated with no header, one row per SNP, with col 1 = chromosome, col 2 = physical position (sorted from smallest to largest), col 3 = reference base, col 4 = alternate base. Bases are capitalized.
(Optional) File with truth phasing results. Supersedes genfile if both options given. File has a header row with a name for each sample, matching what is found in the bam file. Each subject is then a tab separated column, with 0 = ref and 1 = alt, separated by a vertical bar |, e.g. 0|0 or 0|1. Note therefore this file has one more row than posfile which has no header.