
Accurate detection of short and long active ORFs using Ribo-seq data


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Map containing riboseq sample information
e.g. `[ id:‘sample1’, single_end

, strandedness: ‘single’ ]

bam_ribo (file)

Sorted riboseq BAM file(s)


bai_ribo (file)

Index for sorted riboseq bam file(s)


meta2 (map)

Map containing reference information for the candidate ORFs
e.g. [ id:'Ensembl human v.111' ]

candidate_orfs (file)

TSV file with candidate ORFs from ‘ribotricer prepareorfs’



Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing riboseq sample information
e.g. `[ id:‘sample1’, single_end


protocol (file)

txt file containing inferred protocol if it was inferred (not supplied as input)


bam_summary (file)

Text summary of reads found in the BAM


read_length_dist (file)

PDF-format read length distribution as quality control


metagene_profile_5p (file)

Metagene profile aligning with the start codon


metagene_profile_3p (file)

Metagene profile aligning with the stop codon


metagene_plots (file)

Metagene plots for quality control


psite_offsets (file)

“If the P-site offsets are not provided, txt file containing the
derived relative offsets”


pos_wig (file)

Positive strand WIG file for visualization in Genome Browser


neg_wig (file)

Negative strand WIG file for visualization in Genome Browser


orfs (file)

“TSV with ORFs assessed as translating in this BAM file. You can output
all ORFs regardless of the translation status with option —report_all”


versions (file)

File containing software versions



GNU General Public v3 (GPL v3)

Python package to detect translating ORF from Ribo-seq data