
The VCFeval tool of RTG tools. It is used to evaluate called variants for agreement with a baseline variant set


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


query_vcf (file)

A VCF with called variants to benchmark against the standard


query_vcf_index (file)

The index of the called VCF (optional)


truth_vcf (file)

A standard VCF to compare against


truth_vcf_index (file)

The index of the standard VCF (optional)


truth_bed (file)

A BED file containining the strict regions where VCFeval should only evaluate the fully overlapping variants (optional)


evaluation_bed (file)

A BED file containing the regions where VCFeval will evaluate every fully and partially overlapping variant (optional)


sdf (file)

The SDF (RTG Sequence Data File) folder of the reference genome


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


versions (file)

File containing software versions


tp_vcf (file)

A VCF file for the true positive variants


tp_tbi (file)

The index of the VCF file for the true positive variants


fn_vcf (file)

A VCF file for the false negative variants


fn_tbi (file)

The index of the VCF file for the false negative variants


fp_vcf (file)

A VCF file for the false positive variants


fp_tbi (file)

The index of the VCF file for the false positive variants


baseline_vcf (file)

A VCF file for the true positive variants from the baseline


baseline_tbi (file)

The index of the VCF file for the true positive variants from the baseline


snp_roc (file)

TSV files containing ROC data for the SNPs


non_snp_roc (file)

TSV files containing ROC data for all variants except SNPs


weighted_roc (file)

TSV files containing weighted ROC data for all variants


summary (file)

A TXT file containing the summary of the evaluation


phasing (file)

A TXT file containing the data on the phasing




RealTimeGenomics Tools -- Utilities for accurate VCF comparison and manipulation