This module combines samtools and samblaster in order to use samblaster capability to filter or tag SAM files, with the advantage of maintaining both input and output in BAM format. Samblaster input must contain a sequence header: for this reason it has been piped with the “samtools view -h” command. Additional desired arguments for samtools can be passed using: options.args2 for the input bam file options.args3 for the output bam file
This module combines samtools and samblaster in order to use samblaster capability to filter or tag SAM files, with the advantage of maintaining both input and output in BAM format. Samblaster input must contain a sequence header: for this reason it has been piped with the “samtools view -h” command. Additional desired arguments for samtools can be passed using: options.args2 for the input bam file options.args3 for the output bam file
samblaster MIT
samblaster is a fast and flexible program for marking duplicates in read-id grouped paired-end SAM files. It can also optionally output discordant read pairs and/or split read mappings to separate SAM files, and/or unmapped/clipped reads to a separate FASTQ file. By default, samblaster reads SAM input from stdin and writes SAM to stdout.