
DNAscope algorithm performs an improved version of Haplotype variant calling.


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information.
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


bam (file)

BAM file.


bai (file)

BAI file


intervals (file)

bed or interval_list file containing interval in the reference that will be used in the analysis


meta2 (map)

Groovy Map containing meta information for fasta.

fasta (file)

Genome fasta file


meta3 (map)

Groovy Map containing meta information for fasta index.

fai (file)

Index of the genome fasta file


meta4 (map)

Groovy Map containing meta information for dbsnp.

dbsnp (file)

Single Nucleotide Polymorphism database (dbSNP) file


meta5 (map)

Groovy Map containing meta information for dbsnp_tbi.

dbsnp_tbi (file)

Index of the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism database (dbSNP) file


meta6 (map)

Groovy Map containing meta information for machine learning model for Dnascope.

ml_model (file)

machine learning model file


ml_model (file)

machine learning model file


pcr_indel_model (string)

Controls the option pcr_indel_model for Dnascope.
The possible options are “NONE” (used for PCR free samples), and “HOSTILE”, “AGGRESSIVE” and “CONSERVATIVE”.
See Sentieons documentation for further explanation.

emit_vcf (string)

Controls the vcf output from Dnascope.
Possible options are “all”, “confident” and “variant”.
See Sentieons documentation for further explanation.

emit_gvcf (boolean)

If true, the haplotyper will output a gvcf


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing reference information.
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


vcf (file)

Compressed VCF file


vcf_tbi (file)

Index of VCF file


gvcf (file)

Compressed GVCF file


gvcf_tbi (file)

Index of GVCF file


versions (file)

File containing software versions




Sentieon® provides complete solutions for secondary DNA/RNA analysis for a variety of sequencing platforms, including short and long reads. Our software improves upon BWA, STAR, Minimap2, GATK, HaplotypeCaller, Mutect, and Mutect2 based pipelines and is deployable on any generic-CPU-based computing system.