
Runs Sentieon’s haplotyper for germline variant calling.


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing reference information.
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


input (file)

BAM/CRAM file from alignment


input_index (file)

BAI/CRAI file from alignment


intervals (file)

Bed file with the genomic regions included in the library (optional)

fasta (file)

Genome fasta file


fai (file)

The index of the FASTA reference.


dbsnp (file)

VCF file containing known sites (optional)

dbsnp_tbi (file)

VCF index of dbsnp (optional)

emit_vcf (string)

Controls the vcf output from the haplotyper.
If emit_vcf is set to “all” then the haplotyper will output a vcf generated by the haplotyper in emit-mode “all”.
If emit_vcf is set to “confident” then the haplotyper will output a vcf generated by the haplotyper in emit-mode “confident”.
If emit_vcf is set to “variant” then the haplotyper will output a vcf generated by the haplotyper in emit_mode “confident”.

emit_gvcf (boolean)

If true, the haplotyper will output a gvcf


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing reference information.
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


vcf (file)

Compressed VCF file


vcf_tbi (file)

Index of VCF file


gvcf (file)

Compressed GVCF file


gvcf_tbi (file)

Index of GVCF file


versions (file)

File containing software versions




Sentieon® provides complete solutions for secondary DNA/RNA analysis for a variety of sequencing platforms, including short and long reads. Our software improves upon BWA, STAR, Minimap2, GATK, HaplotypeCaller, Mutect, and Mutect2 based pipelines and is deployable on any generic-CPU-based computing system.