
Search a metagenome sourmash signature against one or many reference databases and return the minimum set of genomes that contain the k-mers in the metagenome.


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


signature (file)

File containing signatures (hash sketches) of a sample


db (file)

Sourmash database (a list of signatures, SBTs, or signature zip files)

save_unassigned (boolean)

If true, output will contain a file that is a sourmash signature containing the unassigned hashes from the query

save_matches_sig (boolean)

If true, output will contain a file that is a sourmash signature composed of the FracMinHash sketches that were matched in the database and that matched the query

save_prefetch (boolean)

If true, output will contain a file with all prefetch-matched signatures from the database

save_prefetch_csv (boolean)

If true, output will contain a csv file with the names of all prefetch-matched signatures


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


versions (file)

File containing software versions


result (file)

Table with signatures classified as belonging to any of the genomes
in the sourmash database(s).


matches (file)

A signature containing FracMinHash sketches of genomes
in the sourmash database.


unassigned (file)

A FracMinHash sketch containing hashes (k-mers) that did not match to any of the genomes
in the sourmash database(s).


prefetch (file)

All prefetch-matched signatures from the database.


prefetchcsv (file)

The names of all prefetch-matched signatures from the database in CSV format.




Compute and compare FracMinHash signatures for DNA data sets.