
SVbenchmark compares a set of “test” structural variants in VCF format to a known truth set (also in VCF format) and outputs estimates of sensitivity and specificity.


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing test sample information
e.g. [ id:'test' ]

meta2 (map)

Groovy Map containing reference genome information for fasta
e.g. [ id:'test2' ]

meta3 (map)

Groovy Map containing reference genome information for fai
e.g. [ id:'test3' ]

test (file)

A VCF-formatted file of structural variants to test (required)


test_tbi (file)

A VCF-formatted file index of structural variants to test only for zipped files


truth (file)

A VCF-formatted file of variants to compare against (required)


truth_tbi (file)

A VCF-formatted file of variants to compare against only for zipped files


fasta (file)

The reference FASTA file for the supplied VCF file or files (required)


bed (file)

BED File of regions from which to include variants. Used to filter both test and truth variants.



Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information inherited from test vcf
e.g. [ id:'test']

versions (file)

File containing software versions


fns (file)

VCF file with False Negatives


fps (file)

VCF file with False Positives


distances (file)

TSV file with genomic distances and size differences between structural variants compared


log (file)

LOG file of the run


report (file)

Text file reporting RECALL, PRECISION and F1.




SVanalyzer: tools for the analysis of structural variation in genomes