
A set of tools written in Perl and C++ for working with VCF files


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


variant_file (file)

variant input file which can be vcf, vcf.gz, or bcf format.

bed (file)

bed file which can be used with different arguments in vcftools (optional)

diff_variant_file (file)

secondary variant file which can be used with the ‘diff’ suite of tools (optional)


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’, single_end


versions (file)

File containing software versions


vcf (file)

vcf file (optional)


bcf (file)

bcf file (optional)


frq (file)

Allele frequency for each site (optional)


frq_count (file)

Allele counts for each site (optional)


idepth (file)

mean depth per individual (optional)


ldepth (file)

depth per site summed across individuals (optional)


ldepth_mean (file)

mean depth per site calculated across individuals (optional)


gdepth (file)

depth for each genotype in vcf file (optional)


hap_ld (file)

r2, D, and D’ statistics using phased haplotypes (optional)


geno_ld (file)

squared correlation coefficient between genotypes encoded as 0, 1 and 2 to represent the number of non-reference alleles in each individual (optional)


geno_chisq (file)

test for genotype independence via the chi-squared statistic (optional)


list_hap_ld (file)

r2 statistics of the sites contained in the provided input file verses all other sites (optional)


list_geno_ld (file)

r2 statistics of the sites contained in the provided input file verses all other sites (optional)


interchrom_hap_ld (file)

r2 statistics for sites (haplotypes) on different chromosomes (optional)


interchrom_geno_ld (file)

r2 statistics for sites (genotypes) on different chromosomes (optional)


tstv (file)

Transition / Transversion ratio in bins of size defined in options (optional)


tstv_summary (file)

Summary of all Transitions and Transversions (optional)


tstv_count (file)

Transition / Transversion ratio as a function of alternative allele count (optional)


tstv_qual (file)

Transition / Transversion ratio as a function of SNP quality threshold (optional)


filter_summary (file)

Summary of the number of SNPs and Ts/Tv ratio for each FILTER category (optional)


sites_pi (file)

Nucleotide divergency on a per-site basis (optional)


windowed_pi (file)

Nucleotide diversity in windows, with window size determined by options (optional)


weir_fst (file)

Fst estimate from Weir and Cockerham’s 1984 paper (optional)


heterozygosity (file)

Heterozygosity on a per-individual basis (optional)


hwe (file)

Contains the Observed numbers of Homozygotes and Heterozygotes and the corresponding Expected numbers under HWE (optional)


tajima_d (file)

Tajima’s D statistic in bins with size of the specified number in options (optional)


freq_burden (file)

Number of variants within each individual of a specific frequency in options (optional)


lroh (file)

Long Runs of Homozygosity (optional)


relatedness (file)

Relatedness statistic based on the method of Yang et al, Nature Genetics 2010 (doi:10.1038/ng.608) (optional)


relatedness2 (file)

Relatedness statistic based on the method of Manichaikul et al., BIOINFORMATICS 2010 (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq559) (optional)


lqual (file)

per-site SNP quality (optional)


missing_individual (file)

Missingness on a per-individual basis (optional)


missing_site (file)

Missingness on a per-site basis (optional)


snp_density (file)

Number and density of SNPs in bins of size defined by option (optional)


kept_sites (file)

All sites that have been kept after filtering (optional)


removed_sites (file)

All sites that have been removed after filtering (optional)


singeltons (file)

Location of singletons, and the individual they occur in (optional)


indel_hist (file)

Histogram file of the length of all indels (including SNPs) (optional)


hapcount (file)

Unique haplotypes within user specified bins (optional)


mendel (file)

Mendel errors identified in trios (optional)


format (file)

Extracted information from the genotype fields in the VCF file relating to a specfied FORMAT identifier (optional)


info (file)

Extracted information from the INFO field in the VCF file (optional)


genotypes_matrix (file)

Genotypes output as large matrix.
Genotypes of each individual on a separate line.
Genotypes are represented as 0, 1 and 2, where the number represent that number of non-reference alleles.
Missing genotypes are represented by -1 (optional)


genotypes_matrix_individual (file)

Details the individuals included in the main genotypes_matrix file (optional)


genotypes_matrix_position (file)

Details the site locations included in the main genotypes_matrix file (optional)


impute_hap (file)

Phased haplotypes in IMPUTE reference-panel format (optional)


impute_hap_legend (file)

Impute haplotype legend file (optional)


impute_hap_indv (file)

Impute haplotype individuals file (optional)


ldhat_sites (file)

Output data in LDhat format, sites (optional)


ldhat_locs (file)

output data in LDhat format, locations (optional)


beagle_gl (file)

Genotype likelihoods for biallelic sites (optional)


beagle_pl (file)

Genotype likelihoods for biallelic sites (optional)


ped (file)

output the genotype data in PLINK PED format (optional)


map_ (file)

output the genotype data in PLINK PED format (optional)


tped (file)

output the genotype data in PLINK PED format (optional)


tfam (file)

output the genotype data in PLINK PED format (optional)


diff_sites_in_files (file)

Sites that are common / unique to each file specified in optional inputs (optional)


diff_indv_in_files (file)

Individuals that are common / unique to each file specified in optional inputs (optional)


diff_sites (file)

Discordance on a site by site basis, specified in optional inputs (optional)


diff_indv (file)

Discordance on a individual by individual basis, specified in optional inputs (optional)


diff_discd_matrix (file)

Discordance matrix between files specified in optional inputs (optional)


diff_switch_error (file)

Switch errors found between sites (optional)




A set of tools written in Perl and C++ for working with VCF files. This package only contains the C++ libraries whereas the package perl-vcftools-vcf contains the perl libraries