
Uses Telomere Identification toolKit (TIDK) to identify the frequency of telomeric repeats along a sliding window for each sequence in the input fasta file. Results are presented in TSV and SVG formats. The user can specify an a priori sequence for identification. Possible a posteriori sequences are also explored and the most frequent sequence is used for identification similar to the a priori sequence. seqkit/seq and seqkit/sort modules are also included to filter out small sequences and sort sequences by length.


Name (Type)

ch_fasta (file)

Input assembly
Structure: [ val(meta), path(fasta) ]


ch_apriori_sequence (string)

A priori sequence
Structure: [ val(meta), val(sequence) ]


Name (Type)

apriori_tsv (file)

Frequency table for the identification of the a priori sequence
Structure: [ val(meta), path(tsv) ]


apriori_svg (file)

Frequency graph for the identification of the a priori sequence
Structure: [ val(meta), path(svg) ]


aposteriori_sequence (file)

The most frequent a posteriori sequence
Structure: [ val(meta), path(txt) ]


aposteriori_tsv (file)

Frequency table for the identification of the a aposteriori sequence
Structure: [ val(meta), path(tsv) ]


aposteriori_svg (file)

Frequency graph for the identification of the a aposteriori sequence
Structure: [ val(meta), path(svg) ]


versions (file)

File containing software versions
Structure: [ path(versions.yml) ]
