
Read QC, UMI extraction and trimming


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’ ]

reads (file)

List of input FastQ files of size 1 and 2 for single-end and paired-end data,

skip_fastqc (boolean)

Skip fastqc process

with_umi (boolean)

With or without umi detection

skip_umi_extract (boolean)

With or without umi extrection

umi_discard_read (integer)

Discard R1 / R2 if required

skip_trimming (boolean)

Allows to skip FastP execution

adapter_fasta (file)

Fasta file of adapter sequences

save_trimmed_fail (boolean)

Save trimmed fastqs of failed samples

save_merged (boolean)

Save merged fastqs

min_trimmed_reads (integer)

Inputs with fewer than this reads will be filtered out of the “reads” output channel


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’ ]

reads (file)

Extracted FASTQ files. | For single-end reads, pattern is ${prefix}.umi_extract.fastq.gz. | For paired-end reads, pattern is ${prefix}.umi_extract_{1,2}.fastq.gz.


fastqc_html (file)

FastQC report


fastqc_zip (file)

FastQC report archive


log (file)

Logfile for umi_tools


trim_json (file)

FastP Trimming report


trim_html (file)

FastP Trimming report


log (file)

Logfile FastP


trim_reads_fail (file)

Trimmed fastq files failing QC


trim_reads_merged (file)

Trimmed and merged fastq files


trim_read_count (integer)

Number of reads after trimming

fastqc_trim_html (file)

FastQC report


fastqc_trim_zip (file)

FastQC report archive


adapter_seq (string)

Adapter Sequence found in read1

versions (file)

File containing software versions
