
Run phylogenetic placement with a number of query sequences plus a reference alignment and phylogeny. Used in nf-core/phyloplace.


Name (Type)

ch_pp_data (map)

Structure: [
meta: val(meta),
data: [
alignmethod: ‘hmmer’,
queryseqfile: path(“*.faa”),
refseqfile: path(“*.alnfaa”),
refphylogeny: path(“*.newick”),
model: “LG”,
taxonomy: path(“*.tsv”)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’ ]

queryseqfile (file)

Fasta file with query sequences


refseqfile (file)

File with reference sequences; aligned unless an hmmfile is provided


refphylogeny (file)

Newick file with reference phylogenetic tree


hmmfile (file)

HMM file to use for alignment; implies that refseqfile is not aligned. Optional.


model (string)

Phylogenetic model to use in placement, e.g. ‘LG+F’ or ‘GTR+I+F’

alignmethod (string)

Method used for alignment, ‘hmmer’ or ‘mafft’


Name (Type)

meta (map)

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’ ]

epang (directory)

All output from EPA-NG


jplace (file)

jplace file from EPA-NG


grafted_phylogeny (file)

Newick file with query sequences placed in reference tree


taxonomy_profile (file)

Tab separated file with taxonomy information from classification


taxonomy_per_query (file)

Tab separated file with taxonomy information per query from classification


heattree (file)

Heattree in SVG format


versions (file)

File containing software versions
