
Basic FASTQ preprocessing for RNA-seq



meta :map

Groovy Map containing sample information
e.g. [ id:‘test’ ]

ch_reads :file

Channel with input FastQ files of size 1 and 2 for single-end and
paired-end data, respectively.

ch_fasta :file

Channel with genome sequence in fasta format

ch_transcript_fasta :file

Channel with transcriptome sequence in fasta format

ch_gtf :file

Channel with features in GTF format

ch_salmon_index :file

Directory containing Salmon index

ch_sortmerna_index :file

Directory containing sortmerna index

ch_bbsplit_index :file

Path to directory or tar.gz archive for pre-built BBSplit index

ch_ribo_db :file

Channel with text file containing paths to fasta files (one per line)
that will be used to create the database for SortMeRNA

skip_bbsplit :boolean

Whether to skip BBSplit for removal of non-reference genome reads

skip_fastqc :boolean

Whether to skip FastQC

skip_trimming :boolean

Whether to skip trimming

skip_umi_extract :boolean

Skip the UMI extraction from the read in case the UMIs have been moved
to the headers in advance of the pipeline run

make_salmon_index :boolean

Whether to create salmon index before running salmon quant

make_sortmerna_index :boolean

Whether to create sortmerna index before running sortmerna

trimmer :string

Specifies the trimming tool to use - available options are ‘trimgalore’
and ‘fastp’

min_trimmed_reads :integer

Minimum number of trimmed reads below which samples are removed from
further processing

save_trimmed :boolean

Save the trimmed FastQ files in the results directory?

remove_ribo_rna :boolean

Enable the removal of reads derived from ribosomal RNA using SortMeRNA?

with_umi :boolean

Enable UMI-based read deduplication

umi_discard_read :integer

After UMI barcode extraction discard either R1 or R2 by setting this
parameter to 1 or 2, respectively



reads :file

Preprocessed fastq reads


multiqc_files :file

MultiQC-compatible output files from tools used in prepreocessing


trim_read_count :integer

Number of reads remaining after trimming for all input samples

versions :file

File containing software versions
Structure: [ path(versions.yml) ]
