
A Textual app to create a pipeline.

classnf_core.pipelines.create.PipelineCreateApp(driver_class: Type[Driver] | None = None, css_path: str | PurePath | List[str | PurePath] | None = None, watch_css: bool = False)

Bases: App[CreateConfig]

A Textual app to manage stopwatches.

BINDINGS: ClassVar[list[BindingType]] = [(‘d’, ‘toggle_dark’, ‘Toggle dark mode’), (‘q’, ‘quit’, ‘Quit’)]

CSS_PATH: ClassVar[CSSPathType | None] = ‘create.tcss’

File paths to load CSS from.


LOG_HANDLER= <CustomLogHandler (INFO)>


SCREENS: ClassVar[dict[str, Screen[Any] | Callable[[], Screen[Any]]]] = {‘basic_details’: BasicDetails(), ‘choose_type’: ChoosePipelineType(), ‘final_details’: FinalDetails(), ‘github_exit’: GithubExit(), ‘github_repo’: GithubRepo(), ‘github_repo_question’: GithubRepoQuestion(), ‘logging’: LoggingScreen(), ‘type_custom’: CustomPipeline(), ‘type_nfcore’: NfcorePipeline(), ‘welcome’: WelcomeScreen()}

Screens associated with the app for the lifetime of the app.

SUB_TITLE: str | None = ‘Create a new pipeline with the nf-core pipeline template’

A class variable to set the default sub-title for the application.

To update the sub-title while the app is running, you can set the [sub_title][] attribute. See also [the Screen.SUB_TITLE attribute][textual.screen.Screen.SUB_TITLE].

TEMPLATE_CONFIG= CreateConfig(org=None, name=None, description=None, author=None, version=None, force=True, outdir=None, skip_features=None, is_nfcore=None)

TITLE: str | None = ‘nf-core create’

A class variable to set the default title for the application.

To update the title while the app is running, you can set the [title][] attribute. See also [the Screen.TITLE attribute][textual.screen.Screen.TITLE].

_computes: ClassVar[frozenset[str]] = frozenset({})

_css_type_name: str = ‘PipelineCreateApp’

_css_type_names: ClassVar[frozenset[str]] = frozenset({‘App’, ‘DOMNode’, ‘PipelineCreateApp’})

_decorated_handlers: dict[type[Message], list[tuple[Callable, str | None]]] = {}

_inherit_bindings: ClassVar[bool] = True

_inherit_component_classes: ClassVar[bool] = True

_inherit_css: ClassVar[bool] = True

_merged_bindings: ClassVar[_Bindings | None] = _Bindings({‘ctrl+c’: Binding(key=‘ctrl+c’, action=‘quit’, description=‘Quit’, show=False, key_display=None, priority=True), ‘ctrl+backslash’: Binding(key=‘ctrl+backslash’, action=‘command_palette’, description=”, show=False, key_display=None, priority=True), ‘d’: Binding(key=‘d’, action=‘toggle_dark’, description=‘Toggle dark mode’, show=True, key_display=None, priority=False), ‘q’: Binding(key=‘q’, action=‘quit’, description=‘Quit’, show=True, key_display=None, priority=False)})

_reactives: ClassVar[dict[str, Reactive]] = {‘ansi_theme_dark’: Reactive(<rich.terminal_theme.TerminalTheme object>, layout=False, repaint=True, init=False, always_update=False, compute=True, recompose=False), ‘ansi_theme_light’: Reactive(<rich.terminal_theme.TerminalTheme object>, layout=False, repaint=True, init=False, always_update=False, compute=True, recompose=False), ‘app_focus’: Reactive(True, layout=False, repaint=True, init=False, always_update=False, compute=False, recompose=False), ‘dark’: Reactive(True, layout=False, repaint=True, init=False, always_update=False, compute=False, recompose=False), ‘sub_title’: Reactive(”, layout=False, repaint=True, init=False, always_update=False, compute=False, recompose=False), ‘title’: Reactive(”, layout=False, repaint=True, init=False, always_update=False, compute=False, recompose=False)}

action_toggle_dark() → None

An action to toggle dark mode.

on_button_pressed(event: Pressed) → None

Handle all button pressed events.

on_mount() → None