New post! Drake meme, with top image showing Drake with his hand in his face in a 'don't bother me gesture' next to the text 'Actual programming', then the bottom image of him pointing like 'now that's more like it' with 'Debating for 30 minutes on how to name a subworkflow' text next to it.

Maintainers Minutes: May 2024

Keeping you informed of the latest maintainers discussions

In this new initiative, the ‘Maintainers Minutes’ aims to further give insight into the workings of the nf-core maintainers team by providing brief summaries of the monthly Maintainer’s team meetings.

New post!

nf-core/tools - 2.14.0

Spring cleaning 🧹

This release contains some template changes and nf-core/tools updates. For a more detailed list of changes, you can read the changelog.

New post! Mount Skierfe outlined showing the inspiration for the Sarek logo

nf-core/sarek paper

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

We are extremely happy to see this paper out describing the changes and updates to nf-core/sarek, the DNA variant calling pipeline, in the last several years.

New post! Photo by Hudson Hintze on Unsplash

Special Interest Groups

A new place to collaborate with others working in your field

Today, we’re very happy to announce a new nf-core initiative: Special Interest Groups. These will be a new place to meet and discuss topics with others working in your specific field(s) of research, bringing people together to collaborate in a new way.

New post! Wodden attic with empty shelves

nf-core/tools - 2.13.0

Out with the old, in with the new

This release contains some template changes and bug fixes.

New post! Viking core team

core team retreat

Why not come to Stockholm in February? 🥶

Between the 5th and 8th of February, the core team and members of the steering group met in icy Stockholm to discuss upcoming challenges and improvements to the community. We spent four days discussing key questions and projects for the community and getting stuck into kickstarting key initiatives. The topics and decisions are outlined below.

New post! Screenshot of the nf-core-bot fix linting comment

nf-core/tools - 2.12.0

TUI or not TUI? That is the question.

This release comes with a lot of neat little improvements and bug fixes.

New post! Green apples cut in various ways laying on an bright orange surface

Hello nf-core world

A new blog for nf-core is launched! Here’s what you can expect.

Today marks the launch of the nf-core blog, a new avenue for keeping our community informed and connected. This blog will serve as a central hub for in-depth updates and discussions.