Analysis pipeline to detect germline or somatic variants (pre-processing, variant calling and annotation) from WGS / targeted sequencing
). The latest
stable release is
Nextflow handles job submissions on SLURM or other environments, and supervises running the jobs.
Thus the Nextflow process must run until the pipeline is finished.
We recommend that you put the process running in the background through screen
/ tmux
or similar tool.
Alternatively you can run nextflow within a cluster job submitted your job scheduler.
It is recommended to limit the Nextflow Java virtual machines memory.
We recommend adding the following line to your environment (typically in ~/.bashrc
or ~./bash_profile
NXF_OPTS='-Xms1g -Xmx4g'
Running the pipeline
The typical command for running the pipeline is as follows:
nextflow run nf-core/sarek --input <sample.tsv> -profile docker
This will launch the pipeline with the docker
configuration profile.
See below for more information about profiles.
Note that the pipeline will create the following files in your working directory:
work # Directory containing the nextflow working files
results # Finished results (configurable, see below)
.nextflow_log # Log file from Nextflow
# Other nextflow hidden files, eg. history of pipeline runs and old logs.
The nf-core/sarek pipeline comes with more documentation about running the pipeline, found in the docs/
Updating the pipeline
When you run the above command, Nextflow automatically pulls the pipeline code from GitHub and stores it as a cached version. When running the pipeline after this, it will always use the cached version if available - even if the pipeline has been updated since. To make sure that you’re running the latest version of the pipeline, make sure that you regularly update the cached version of the pipeline:
nextflow pull nf-core/sarek
It’s a good idea to specify a pipeline version when running the pipeline on your data. This ensures that a specific version of the pipeline code and software are used when you run your pipeline. If you keep using the same tag, you’ll be running the same version of the pipeline, even if there have been changes to the code since.
First, go to the nf-core/sarek releases page and find the latest version number - numeric only (eg. 2.6
Then specify this when running the pipeline with -r
(one hyphen) - eg. -r 2.6
This version number will be logged in reports when you run the pipeline, so that you’ll know what you used when you look back in the future.
Main arguments
Use this parameter to choose a configuration profile. Profiles can give configuration presets for different compute environments.
Several generic profiles are bundled with the pipeline which instruct the pipeline to use software packaged using different methods (Docker, Singularity, Conda) - see below.
We highly recommend the use of Docker or Singularity containers for full pipeline reproducibility, however when this is not possible, Conda is also supported.
The pipeline also dynamically loads configurations from when it runs, making multiple config profiles for various institutional clusters available at run time. For more information and to see if your system is available in these configs please see the nf-core/configs documentation.
Note that multiple profiles can be loaded, for example: -profile test,docker
- the order of arguments is important!
They are loaded in sequence, so later profiles can overwrite earlier profiles.
If -profile
is not specified, the pipeline will run locally and expect all software to be installed and available on the PATH
. This is not recommended.
- A generic configuration profile to be used with Docker
- Pulls software from dockerhub:
- A generic configuration profile to be used with Singularity
- Pulls software from DockerHub:
- A profile with a complete configuration for automated testing
- Includes links to test data so needs no other parameters
- A profile with a complete configuration for automated testing
- Includes links to test data so needs no other parameters
- A profile with a complete configuration for automated testing
- Includes links to test data so needs no other parameters
- A profile with a complete configuration for automated testing
- Includes links to test data so needs no other parameters
- A profile with a complete configuration for automated testing
- Includes links to test data so needs no other parameters
- A profile with a complete configuration for automated testing
- Includes links to test data so needs no other parameters
- A profile with a complete configuration for automated testing
- Includes links to test data so needs no other parameters
Use this to specify the location of your input TSV file.
For example:
TSV file should correspond to the correct step, see --step
and input documentation for more information
--input <sample.tsv>
Multiple TSV files can be specified, using a glob path, if enclosed in quotes.
Use this to specify the location to a directory with fastq files for the mapping
step of single germline samples only.
For example:
--input </path/to/directory>
Use this to specify the location of your VCF input file on annotate
For example:
--input <sample.vcf.gz>
Multiple VCF files can be specified, using a glob path, if enclosed in quotes.
Use this to specify the starting step:
Default mapping
Available: mapping
, prepare_recalibration
, recalibrate
, variant_calling
, annotate
, Control-FREEC
Will display the help message
Disable usage of intervals file, and disable automatic generation of intervals file when none are provided.
Use this to estimate of how many seconds it will take to call variants on any interval, the default value is 1000
is it’s not specified in the intervals
If Sentieon is available, use this to enable it for preprocessing, and variant calling.
Adds the following tools for the --tools
options: DNAseq
, DNAscope
and TNscope
More information in the sentieon documentation.
Use this to disable specific QC and Reporting tools.
Multiple tools can be specified, separated by commas.
Available: all
, bamQC
, BaseRecalibrator
, BCFtools
, Documentation
, FastQC
, MultiQC
, samtools
, vcftools
, versions
Default: None
Use this to specify the target BED file for targeted or whole exome sequencing.
Use this parameter to specify the variant calling and annotation tools to be used. Multiple tools can be specified, separated by commas. For example:
--tools 'Strelka,mutect2,SnpEff'
Available variant callers: ASCAT
, ControlFREEC
, FreeBayes
, HaplotypeCaller
, Manta
, mpileup
, MSIsensor
, Mutect2
, Strelka
WARNING Not all variant callers are available for both germline and somatic variant calling. For more details please check the variant calling extra documentation.
Available annotation tools: VEP
, SnpEff
, merge
. For more details, please check the annotation extra documentation.
Modify fastqs (trim/split)
Use this to perform adapter trimming with Trim Galore
Instructs Trim Galore to remove a number of bp from the 5’ end of read 1 (or single-end reads). This may be useful if the qualities were very poor, or if there is some sort of unwanted bias at the 5’ end.
Instructs Trim Galore to remove a number of bp from the 5’ end of read 2 (paired-end reads only). This may be useful if the qualities were very poor, or if there is some sort of unwanted bias at the 5’ end.
Instructs Trim Galore to remove a number of bp from the 3’ end of read 1 (or single-end reads) AFTER adapter/quality trimming has been performed. This may remove some unwanted bias from the 3’ end that is not directly related to adapter sequence or basecall quality.
Instructs Trim Galore to remove a number of bp from the 3’ end of read 2 AFTER adapter/quality trimming has been performed. This may remove some unwanted bias from the 3’ end that is not directly related to adapter sequence or basecall quality.
This enables the option --nextseq-trim=3'CUTOFF
within Cutadapt
, which will set a quality cutoff (that is normally given with -q
instead), but qualities of G bases are ignored.
This trimming is in common for the NextSeq and NovaSeq-platforms, where basecalls without any signal are called as high-quality G bases.
Option to keep trimmed FASTQs
Use the Nextflow splitFastq
operator to specify how many reads should be contained in the split fastq file.
For example:
--split_fastq 10000
To control the java options necessary for the GATK MarkDuplicates
process, you can set this parameter.
Default: “-Xms4000m -Xmx7g”
For example:
--markdup_java_options "-Xms4000m -Xmx7g"
Use this to disable usage of GATK Spark implementation of their tools in local mode.
Will save mapped BAMs.
Will skip MarkDuplicates. This params will also save the mapped BAMS, to enable restart from step prepare_recalibration
Variant Calling
Use this parameter to overwrite default behavior from ASCAT regarding ploidy.
Requires that --ascat_purity
is set
Use this parameter to overwrite default behavior from ASCAT regarding purity.
Requires that --ascat_ploidy
is set
Control-FREEC coefficientOfVariation
Default: 0.015
Control-FREEC ploidy
Default: 2
Control-FREEC window size
Default: Disabled
Use this to disable g.vcf output from GATK HaplotypeCaller
Use this not to use Manta
for Strelka
(not recommended by Broad Institute’s Best Practices).
When a panel of normals PON is defined, it will be use to filter somatic calls. Without PON, there will be no calls with PASS in the INFO field, only an unfiltered VCF is written. It is recommended to make your own panel-of-normals, as it depends on sequencer and library preparation. For tests in iGenomes there is a dummy PON file in the Annotation/GermlineResource directory, but it should not be used as a real panel-of-normals file. Provide your PON by:
--pon </path/to/PON.vcf.gz>
PON file should be bgzipped.
Tabix index of the panel-of-normals bgzipped VCF file. If none provided, will be generated automatically from the panel-of-normals bgzipped VCF file.
Specify from which tools Sarek should look for VCF files to annotate, only for step Annotate
Available: HaplotypeCaller
, Manta
, Mutect2
, Strelka
Default: None
Enable usage of annotation cache, and disable usage of already built containers within Sarek. For more information, follow the annotation guidelines.
To be used conjointly with --annotation_cache
, specify the cache snpEff directory:
--snpeff_cache </path/to/snpeff_cache>
To be used conjointly with --annotation_cache
, specify the cache VEP directory:
--vep_cache </path/to/vep_cache>
Enable CADD cache.
Path to CADD InDels file.
Path to CADD InDels index.
Path to CADD SNVs file.
Path to CADD SNVs index.
Enable genesplicer within VEP.
Reference genomes
The pipeline config files come bundled with paths to the Illumina iGenomes reference index files. If running with docker or AWS, the configuration is set up to use the AWS-iGenomes resource.
—genome (using iGenomes)
There are 2 different species supported by Sarek in the iGenomes references.
To run the pipeline, you must specify which to use with the --genome
You can find the keys to specify the genomes in the iGenomes config file. Genomes that are supported are:
Homo sapiens
--genome GRCh37
(GATK Bundle)--genome GRCh38
(GATK Bundle)
Mus musculus
--genome GRCm38
Limited support for:
Arabidopsis thaliana
--genome TAIR10
Bacillus subtilis 168
--genome EB2
Bos taurus
--genome UMD3.1
(Ensembl)--genome bosTau8
Caenorhabditis elegans
--genome WBcel235
(Ensembl)--genome ce10
Canis familiaris
--genome CanFam3.1
(Ensembl)--genome canFam3
Danio rerio
--genome GRCz10
(Ensembl)--genome danRer10
Drosophila melanogaster
--genome BDGP6
(Ensembl)--genome dm6
Equus caballus
--genome EquCab2
(Ensembl)--genome equCab2
Escherichia coli K 12 DH10B
--genome EB1
Gallus gallus
--genome Galgal4
(Ensembl)--genome galgal4
Glycine max
--genome Gm01
Homo sapiens
--genome hg19
(UCSC)--genome hg38
Macaca mulatta
--genome Mmul_1
Mus musculus
--genome mm10
Oryza sativa japonica
--genome IRGSP-1.0
Pan troglodytes
--genome CHIMP2.1.4
(Ensembl)--genome panTro4
Rattus norvegicus
--genome Rnor_6.0
(Ensembl)--genome rn6
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
--genome R64-1-1
(Ensembl)--genome sacCer3
Schizosaccharomyces pombe
--genome EF2
Sorghum bicolor
--genome Sbi1
Sus scrofa
--genome Sscrofa10.2
(Ensembl)--genome susScr3
Zea mays
--genome AGPv3
Note that you can use the same configuration setup to save sets of reference files for your own use, even if they are not part of the iGenomes resource. See the Nextflow documentation for instructions on where to save such a file.
The syntax for this reference configuration is as follows:
params {
genomes {
'<GENOME>' {
ac_loci = '</path/to/reference.loci>'
ac_loci_gc = '</path/to/ac_loci_gc file>'
bwa = '</path/to/bwa indexes>'
chr_dir = '</path/to/chromosomes/>'
chr_length = '</path/to/reference.len>'
dbsnp = '</path/to/dbsnp.vcf.gz>'
dbsnp_index = '</path/to/dbsnp.vcf.gz.tbi>'
dict = '</path/to/reference.dict>'
fasta = '</path/to/reference.fasta>'
fasta_fai = '</path/to/reference.fasta.fai>'
germline_resource = '</path/to/germline_resource.vcf.gz>'
germline_resource_index = '</path/to/germline_resource.vcf.gz.tvi>'
intervals = '</path/to/reference.intervals>'
known_indels = '</path/to/known_indels.vcf.gz>'
known_indels_index = '</path/to/known_indels.vcf.gz.tbi>'
mappability = '</path/to/reference.gem>'
snpeff_db = '<snpEff DB>'
species = '<species>'
vep_cache_version = '<VEP cache version'
// Any number of additional genomes, key is used with --genome
Specify base path to AWS iGenomes
Default: s3://ngi-igenomes/igenomes/
Do not load igenomes.config
when running the pipeline.
You may choose this option if you observe clashes between custom parameters and those supplied in igenomes.config
This option will load the genomes.config
file instead.
You can then specify the --genome custom
and specify any reference file on the command line or within a config file.
Specify base path to reference genome
Enable saving reference indexes and other files built within Sarek.
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
--ac_loci <path/to/reference.loci>
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
--ac_loci_gc <path/to/reference.loci.gc>
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
If none provided, will be generated automatically from the fasta reference.
--bwa <path/to/BWA/indexes>
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
--chr_dir <path/to/chromosomes/>
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
--chr_length <path/to/chromosomes.len>
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
--dbsnp <path/to/dbsnp.vcf.gz>
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
If none provided, will be generated automatically from the fasta reference.
--dbsnp_index <path/to/dbsnp.vcf.gz.tbi>
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
If none provided, will be generated automatically from the fasta reference.
--dict <path/to/reference.dict>
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
--fasta <path/to/reference.fasta>
If none provided, will be generated automatically from the fasta reference.
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
--fasta_fai <path/to/reference.fasta.fai>
The germline resource VCF file (bgzipped and tabixed) needed by GATK4 Mutect2 is a collection of calls that are likely present in the sample, with allele frequencies. The AF info field must be present. You can find a smaller, stripped gnomAD VCF file (most of the annotation is removed and only calls signed by PASS are stored) in the iGenomes Annotation/GermlineResource folder. If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
--germline_resource </path/to/resource.vcf.gz>
Tabix index of the germline resource specified at --germline_resource
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
If none provided, will be generated automatically from the fasta reference.
--germline_resource_index </path/to/resource.vcf.gz.tbi>
Used to speed up Preprocessing and/or Variant Calling, for more information, read the intervals section in the extra documentation on reference.
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
If none provided, will be generated automatically from the fasta reference. Use —no_intervals to disable automatic generation
--intervals <path/to/reference.intervals>
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
--known_indels <path/to/known_indels.vcf.gz>
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
If none provided, will be generated automatically from the fasta reference.
--known_indels_index <path/to/known_indels.vcf.gz.tbi>
If you prefer, you can specify the full path to your reference genome when you run the pipeline:
--mappability <path/to/reference.gem>
If you prefer, you can specify the DB version when you run the pipeline:
--snpeff_db <snpEff DB>
This specifies the species used for running VEP annotation. For human data, this needs to be set to homo_sapiens
, for mouse data mus_musculus
as the annotation needs to know where to look for appropriate annotation references. If you use iGenomes or a local resource with genomes.conf
, this has already been set for you appropriately.
If you prefer, you can specify the cache version when you run the pipeline:
--vep_cache_version <VEP cache version>
Other command line parameters
The output directory where the results will be saved.
Default: results/
The file publishing method.
Available: symlink
, rellink
, link
, copy
, copyNoFollow
, move
Default: copy
The sequencing center that will be used in the BAM CN field
Specify a path to a custom MultiQC configuration file.
Set to disable colourful command line output and live life in monochrome.
Set this parameter to your e-mail address to get a summary e-mail with details of the run sent to you when the workflow exits.
If set in your user config file (~/.nextflow/config
) then you don’t need to specify this on the command line for every run.
This works exactly as with --email
, except emails are only sent if the workflow is not successful.
Set to receive plain-text e-mails instead of HTML formatted.
Threshold size for MultiQC report to be attached in notification email. If file generated by pipeline exceeds the threshold, it will not be attached (Default: 25MB).
Name for the pipeline run. If not specified, Nextflow will automatically generate a random mnemonic.
This is used in the MultiQC report (if not default) and in the summary HTML / e-mail (always).
NB: Single hyphen (core Nextflow option)
Specify this when restarting a pipeline. Nextflow will used cached results from any pipeline steps where the inputs are the same, continuing from where it got to previously.
You can also supply a run name to resume a specific run: -resume [run-name]
Use the nextflow log
command to show previous run names.
NB: Single hyphen (core Nextflow option)
Specify the path to a specific config file (this is a core NextFlow command).
NB: Single hyphen (core Nextflow option)
Note - you can use this to override pipeline defaults.
Provide git commit id for custom Institutional configs hosted at nf-core/configs
This was implemented for reproducibility purposes.
Default is set to master
## Download and use config file with following git commid id
--custom_config_version d52db660777c4bf36546ddb188ec530c3ada1b96
If you’re running offline, nextflow will not be able to fetch the institutional config files
from the internet.
If you don’t need them, then this is not a problem.
If you do need them, you should download the files from the repo and tell nextflow where to find them with the custom_config_base
For example:
## Download and unzip the config files
cd /path/to/my/configs
## Run the pipeline
cd /path/to/my/data
nextflow run /path/to/pipeline/ --custom_config_base /path/to/my/configs/configs-master/
Note that the nf-core/tools helper package has a
command to download all required pipeline files + singularity containers + institutional configs in one go for you, to make this process easier.
Job resources
Automatic resubmission
Each step in the pipeline has a default set of requirements for number of CPUs, memory and time.
For most of the steps in the pipeline, if the job exits with an error code of 143
(exceeded requested resources) it will automatically resubmit with higher requests (2 x original, then 3 x original).
If it still fails after three times then the pipeline is stopped.
Custom resource requests
Wherever process-specific requirements are set in the pipeline, the default value can be changed by creating a custom config file.
See the files hosted at nf-core/configs
for examples.
If you are likely to be running nf-core
pipelines regularly it may be a good idea to request that your custom config file is uploaded to the nf-core/configs
git repository.
Before you do this please can you test that the config file works with your pipeline of choice using the -c
parameter (see definition below).
You can then create a pull request to the nf-core/configs
repository with the addition of your config file, associated documentation file (see examples in nf-core/configs/docs
), and amending nfcore_custom.config
to include your custom profile.
If you have any questions or issues please send us a message on Slack.
Use to set a top-limit for the default memory requirement for each process.
Should be a string in the format integer-unit eg. --max_memory '8.GB'
Use to set a top-limit for the default time requirement for each process.
Should be a string in the format integer-unit eg. --max_time '2.h'
Use to set a top-limit for the default CPU requirement for each process.
Should be a string in the format integer-unit eg. --max_cpus 1
Use to set memory for a single CPU.
Should be a string in the format integer-unit eg. --single_cpu_mem '8.GB'
AWSBatch specific parameters
Running the pipeline on AWSBatch requires a couple of specific parameters to be set according to your AWSBatch configuration.
Please use -profile awsbatch
and then specify all of the following parameters.
The JobQueue that you intend to use on AWSBatch.
The AWS region to run your job in.
Default is set to eu-west-1
but can be adjusted to your needs.
The AWS CLI path in your custom AMI.
Default: /home/ec2-user/miniconda/bin/aws
Please make sure to also set the -w/--work-dir
and --outdir
parameters to a S3 storage bucket of your choice - you’ll get an error message notifying you if you didn’t.
Deprecated params
WARNING These params are deprecated — They will be removed in a future release.
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