Code to deal with pipeline JSON Schema
Bases: object
Class to generate a schema object with functions to handle pipeline JSON Schema
_update_validation_plugin_from_config() → None
Add anything that’s found in the Nextflow params that’s missing in the pipeline schema Update defaults if they have changed
build_schema(pipeline_dir, no_prompts, web_only, url)
Interactively build a new pipeline schema for a pipeline
Build a pipeline schema dictionary for an param interactively
Check that the input parameter has a mimetype
Common mime types:
- Returns: The mimetype of the input parameter
- Return type: mimetype (str)
- Raises: LookupError – If the input parameter is not found or defined in the correct place
del_schema_filename() → None
get_schema_defaults() → None
Generate set of default input parameters from schema.
Saves defaults to self.schema_defaults Returns count of how many parameters were found (with or without a default value)
get_schema_filename() → str
get_schema_path(path: str | Path, local_only: bool = False, revision: str | None = None) → None
Given a pipeline name, directory, or path, set self.schema_filename
get_schema_types() → None
Get a list of all parameter types in the schema
Given a URL for a Schema build response, recursively query it until results are ready. Once ready, validate Schema and write to disk.
Load the pipeline parameter defaults using nextflow config Strip out only the params. values and ignore anything that is not a flat variable
Send pipeline schema to web builder and wait for response
Load a given a path to a parameters file (JSON/YAML)
These should be input parameters used to run a pipeline with the Nextflow -params-file option.
Load and lint a given schema to see if it looks valid
Load a pipeline schema from a file
Make a new pipeline schema from the template
markdown_param_table(properties, required, columns)
Creates a markdown table for params from jsonschema properties section
- Parameters:
- properties (dict) – A jsonschema properties dictionary
- required (list) – A list of the required fields. Should come from the same level of the jsonschema as properties
- columns (list) – A list of columns to write
- Returns: A string with the markdown table
- Return type: str
Convert markdown to html
print_documentation(output_fn=None, format='markdown', force=False, columns=None)
Prints documentation for the schema.
Check if a given key is found in the nextflow config params and prompt to remove it if note
Returns True if it should be removed, False if not.
Go through top-level schema remove definitions that don’t have any property attributes
Go through top-level schema and all definitions sub-schemas to remove anything that’s not in the nextflow config.
Go through a single schema / set of properties and strip out anything that’s not in the nextflow config.
Takes: Schema or sub-schema with properties key Returns: Cleaned schema / sub-schema
Given a param, ensure that the default value is the correct variable type
Save a pipeline schema to a file
: str
Creates documentation for the schema in Markdown format.
set_schema_filename(schema: str) → None
validate_config_default_parameter(param, schema_param, config_default)
Assure that default parameters in the nextflow.config are correctly set by comparing them to their type in the schema
Check that all default parameters in the schema are valid Ignores ‘required’ flag, as required parameters might have no defaults
Additional check that all parameters have defaults in nextflow.config and that these are valid and adhere to guidelines
Check given parameters against a schema and validate
Check that the Schema is valid
Returns: Number of parameters found
Extra validation command for linting. Checks that the schema “$id”, “title” and “description” attributes match the pipeline config.