
Lists available nf-core pipelines and versions.


Bases: object

Class to handle local workflows pulled by nextflow


Get full details about a local cached workflow


Bases: object

A information container for a remote workflow.

classnf_core.pipelines.list.Workflows(filter_by=None, sort_by='release', show_archived=False)

Bases: object

Workflow container class.

Is used to collect local and remote nf-core pipelines. Pipelines can be sorted, filtered and compared.

  • Parameters:
    • filter_by (list) – A list of strings that can be used for filtering.
    • sort_by (str) – workflows can be sorted by keywords. Keyword must be one of release (default), name, stars.


Matches local to remote workflows.

If a matching remote workflow is found, the local workflow’s Git commit hash is compared with the latest one from remote.

A boolean flag in RemoteWorkflow.local_is_latest is set to True, if the local workflow is the latest.


Filters remote workflows for keywords.

  • Returns: Filtered remote workflows.
  • Return type: list


Retrieves local Nextflow workflows.

Local workflows are stored in self.local_workflows list.


Retrieves remote workflows from

Remote workflows are stored in self.remote_workflows list.

Dump JSON of all parsed information

Prints a summary of all pipelines.

nf_core.pipelines.list.get_local_wf(workflow: str | Path, revision=None) → str | None

Check if this workflow has a local copy and use nextflow to pull it if not

nf_core.pipelines.list.list_workflows(filter_by=None, sort_by='release', as_json=False, show_archived=False)

Prints out a list of all nf-core workflows.

  • Parameters:
    • filter_by (list) – A list of strings that can be used for filtering.
    • sort_by (str) – workflows can be sorted by keywords. Keyword must be one of release (default), name, stars.
    • as_json (boolean) – Set to true, if the lists should be printed in JSON.


Transforms a datetime object or a int() Epoch timestamp into a pretty string like ‘an hour ago’, ‘Yesterday’, ‘3 months ago’, ‘just now’, etc

Based on Adapted by sven1103