
Browse the 304 configs that are currently available as part of nf-core.

The following configs are common Nextflow pipeline configurations and options for particular institutional clusters or compute environments.

General configs

NameDescription ExecutorPipeline Configs
The ABiMS cluster profileslurm
CRA HPC profileslurm
Profile for use on Academic Leiden Interdisciplinary Cluster Environment (ALICE).slurm
COH Apollo cluster profile.slurm
Advanced Research Computing Center (ARCC) for the University of Wyomingslurm
AWS Batch with Tower Profileawsbatchdemultiplex
AWSBATCH Cloud Profileawsbatch
Azure BATCH Cloud Profileazurebatchrnaseqsarek
Azure BATCH Dev Cloud Profileazurebatch
Boehringer Ingelheim internal profile.ampliseq
NYU School of Medicine BigPurple cluster profile. module load both singularity/3.1 and squashfs-tools/4.3 before running the pipeline with this profile!! Run from your scratch or lab directory - Nextflow makes a lot of files!! Also consider running the pipeline on a compute node (srun --pty /bin/bash -t=01:00:00) the first time, as it will be pulling the docker image, which will be converted into a singularity image, which is heavy on the login node and will take some time. Subsequent runs can be done on the login node, as the docker image will only be pulled and converted once. By default the images will be stored in ${singularityDir} slurm
Berlin Institute of Health HPC cluster profile.slurm
BinAC cluster profile.pbsampliseq
BioHPC Genomics (biohpc_gen) cluster profileslurm
Biowulf nf-core configslurm
BlueBEAR cluster profileslurm
Cambridge HPC cluster profile.slurm
Harvard FAS Cannon Profile for running nextflow pipelines.slurm
CLIP BATCH ENVIRONMENT (CBE) cluster profileslurm
CCGA DX cluster profile.slurm
CCGA Med cluster profile.slurm
CÉCI Dragon2 cluster profiles provided by the GIGA Bioinformatics Team.slurm
CÉCI NIC5 cluster profiles provided by the GIGA Bioinformatics Team.slurm
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center HPC Profilesge
USDA ARS SCINet Ceres Cluster profileslurm
QBiC Core Facility cluster profile.slurmsarek
QBiC Core Facility cluster dev profile without container cache.slurm
University of Alabama at Birmingham Cheaha HPCslurm
Computerome 2.0 cluster profile.pbs
e-Research Kings College London CREATE HPCslurmpipelinepipeline
Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) cluster profileslurmdeepmodeloptimmultiplesequencealignproteinfold
The Francis Crick Institute NEMO HPC cluster profile.slurmeager
Crop Diversity HPC cluster profileslurm
Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute HPC cluster profileslurm
CSIRO Petrichor HPC profileslurm
Chan Zuckerberg Biohub AWS Batch profile.awsbatch
DaiSyBio cluster profile.slurm
de.NBI cluster profile.pbs
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) HPC cluster profilelsf
Generic Estonian Biocentre profile.slurm
The European Bioinformatics Institute HPC cluster (codon) profilelsf
The European Bioinformatics Institute HPC cluster (codon) profile for the SLURM login nodesslurm
University of Edinburgh (eddie) cluster profile.sgernaseqsarekviralrecon
Novo Nordisks Einstein cluster profileslurm
The EMBL Heidelberg HPC cluster profileslurm
MIT Engaging HPC cluster profile.slurmmag
ETH Zurich Euler cluster profile --slurm
Generic MPI-EVA cluster(s) profile.sgeeagermagsarektaxprofilerpipeline
Draco cluster profile of Friedrich Schiller University Jena.slurm
Freie Universität Berlin HPC (Curta) profileslurmmethylseq
The Genotoul cluster profileslurm
The GenOuest cluster profileslurm
GIGA cluster profile provided by the GIGA Bioinformatics Team.slurm
Genome Institute of Singapore (Aquila) cluster profile.sge
Google Cloud Life Sciences Profilegoogle-lifesciences
Hasta, a local cluster setup at Clinical Genomics, Stockholm.slurmrnafusiontaxprofiler
HKI clusters profile.localfuncscan
Human Technopole cluster profile.slurm
Universidad de los Andes cluster profile.slurm
Nextflow nf-core profile for ICR alma HPCslurm
Nextflow nf-core profile for ICR davros HPCLSFsarek
The IFB core cluster profileslurm
Ilifu ( slurm cluster profile. slurm
Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) HPC cluster profileslurm
Imperial College London - HPC Profile --.pbsproscflow
INCLIVA Health Research Institute profile for nf-core.local
iPOP-UP cluster profile, Université paris Citéslurm
IBM Platform LSF Cluster at Janelia Research Campuslsf
The Jackson Laboratory Sumner HPC profile.slurm
Nextflow config file for the MRC LMS Jex clusterslurm
Profile for use on King Abdullah Univesity of Science and Technology (KAUST) Ibex Cluster.slurmmagrnaseq
KI at MIT Luria HPC cluster profile.slurm
danhead01fl configurationslurmmethylseq
ALICE and SPECTRE cluster profile.slurm
National University of Ireland, Galway Lugh cluster profileslurm
The M3 Research Center HPC cluster profileslurm
Institut Pasteur Maestro cluster profileslurmeager
University of Hawaii at Manoaslurm
Novo Nordisks Marjorie cluster profileslurm
Config file for Marvin Cluster (UPF-CSIC), based on nf-core/configsslurm
McCleary Cluster at Yaleslurm
Cluster profile for medair (local cluster of Clinical Genomics Gothenburg)sge
Section for Hologenomics and Section for Molecular Ecology and Evolution @ Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen - mjolnir_globe profile.slurm
MPCDF HPC profiles (unoffically).slurm
MPCDF Viper HPC profiles (unoffically).slurm
MUNIN profilelocalrnafusionrnavarsarek
NCI Gadi HPC profilepbsproproteinfold
Northwestern University Quest HPC (Genomics Nodes) configslurm
New York Genome Center (NYGC) cluster profile.slurm
New York University HPC profile.slurm
The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) HPC cluster profile.slurm
The Institut Pasteur HPC cluster profileslurm
Pawsey Nimbus cloud profile
Pawsey Setonix HPC profileslurm
PDC profile.slurm
New York Genome Center (NYGC) cluster profile.slurm
PSMN (Pôle Scientifique de Modélisation Numérique) HPC cluster profileslurm
Queen Mary Universtiy of Londonsge
Kings College London Rosalind HPCslurm
Rosalind UGE config filesge
University of Edinburgh (Eddie) cluster profile for Roslin Institute.sge
The Sage Bionetworks Nextflow Config Profile
South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) HPC cluster profile.slurm
The Wellcome Sanger Institute HPC cluster (${clustername}) profilelsf
Super Computing Walesslurm
University of Texas at MD Anderson HPC cluster profilelsf // Use LSF executor
The SCRI (seattle childrens research institute) cluster profileslurm
Stony Brook Universitys seaWulf cluster profile.slurm
Section for Evolutionary Genomics @ GLOBE, University of Copenhagen - seg_globe profile.slurm
Profile for nf-cores self-hosted runners.
Sheffield Hallam Universty - BMRC HPCslurm
Software license set up for nf-core by nf-core/configs
St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital HPC cluster (HPCF) profilelsf
GA4GH TES Profiletespipeline
Telethon Institute of Genetic and Medicine (TIGEM).slurm
Generic profile for APG group of University of Tuebingen.slurm
The Tufts University HPC cluster profile.slurm
Sheffield Bioinformatics Core - Stanageslurm
University College Dublin Sonic HPC profile.slurm
University College London CS clustersge
University College London Myriad clustersge
University of Cape Town High Performance Cluster config file.slurm
Univa Grid Engine config filesge
The Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hillslurm
BARC nf-core profile for UNCs Longleaf HPC.slurmcutandrun
University of Bern, Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit cluster profileslurm
Unity HPC cluster profile.slurm
UNSW Katana HPC profile.pbsproproteinfold
University of Dundee Compute Clustersge
UPPMAX (Bianca) cluster profile.slurmampliseqsarek
University of Texas at Dallas HPC cluster profileslurm
UW Hyak Pedslabs cluster profile.slurm
UZH science cloud profileslurm
University of Luebeck, OMICS cluster profile.slurm
Van Andel Institute HPC profile.slurm
Zen2 profile for use on the Vaughan cluster of the CalcUA VSC HPC.
genius profile for use on the genius cluster of the VSC HPC.slurm
Configuration profile for execution of Nextflow pipelines on the VSC UGhent HPC.slurm
Weill Cornell Medicine, Scientific Computing Unit Slurm cluster profileslurm
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) Milton HPC cluster profileslurm
WUSTL High Throughput Computing Facility cluster profile. Run from your scratch directory, the output files may be large! Please consider running the pipeline on a compute node the first time, as it will be pulling the docker image, which will be converted into a singularity image, which is heavy on the login node. Subsequent runs can be done on the login node, as the docker image will only be pulled and converted once. By default, the images will be stored in $singularityDir slurm
The UConn HPC profileslurm
The University of York Viking profile slurm