Here you can find all documentation on how to use nf-core pipelines, and nf-core tools to start processing your data. You will also find information on how to contribute to nf-core pipelines, modules and subworkflows.


Adding a new pipeline
Follow this walkthrough to add a new pipeline to nf-core.
Code editor plugins
Additions to your coding environment that can help your workflow.
Code formatting
Forgot to run Prettier?
Contributing to an existing pipeline
Follow this walkthrough to add features to an existing nf-core pipeline.
Guidelines for Graphic Design
Templates, common images, and design-related content for nf-core.
Guidelines for Modules
Guidelines and reference for DSL2 modules
Guidelines for Pipeline Release Review
Suggestions for reviewing pipeline release PRs
Guidelines for Subworkflows
Guidelines and reference for DSL2 subworkflows
Guidelines for Test Data
Guidelines for adding test data to nf-core repositories
Markdown on the nf-core website
Guides on special content elements on
Release checklist
A step-by-step guide for releasing a nf-core pipeline
Learn how nf-core pipelines are automatically kept up to date with community standards.
Training material guide
A guide to writing instructions for training material.