nf-core green
- RGB: 36,176,100
- Hex: #24B064
Other nf-core logo colours
- Yellow:
- RGB: 236,220,134
- HEX: #ECDC86
- Brown:
- RGB: 63,43,41
- HEX: #3F2B29
- Dark green:
- RGB: 57,110,43
- HEX: #396E35
Other non-logo colours
Outside of the core colours, we recommend the use of the Bootstrap colour palettes.
For example, the dark backgrounds of the nf-core website uses the $grey-50
colour palette:
- gray-dark:
- gray-100:
- gray-200:
- gray-300:
- gray-400:
- gray-500:
- gray-600:
- gray-700:
- gray-800:
- gray-900:
(main nf-core website background colour)
However see the full bootstrap colour description for all colours.