nf-core Terminology

The features offered by Nextflow DSL2 can be used in various ways depending on the granularity with which you would like to write pipelines. Please see the listing below for the hierarchy and associated terminology we have decided to use when referring to DSL2 components.


Domain-Specific Language (DSL)

A domain-specific language (DSL) is a programming language that is developed for a specific application. Nextflow is based on a DSL, where DSL2 is the latest version. DSL2 allows data analysis pipelines to be scaled and modularised. The features offered by Nextflow DSL2 can be used in various ways depending on the granularity with which you would like to write pipelines. Please see the listing below for the hierarchy and associated terminology we have decided to use when referring to DSL2 components.


A process that can be used within different pipelines and is as atomic as possible i.e. cannot be split into another module. An example of this would be a module file containing the process definition for a single tool such as FastQC. Atomic nf-core module files are available in the modules/ directory of nf-core/modules along with the required documentation and tests.


A chain of multiple modules that offer a higher-level of functionality within the context of a pipeline. For example, a subworkflow to run multiple QC tools with FastQ files as input. Subworkflows should be shipped with the pipeline implementation and if required they should be shared amongst different pipelines directly from there. Shareable nf-core subworkflow files are available in the subworkflow/ directory of nf-core/modules along with the required documentation and tests.


Component is our umbrella term for both modules and subworkflows, because they share a lot of the same characteristics.


An end-to-end pipeline where one or more inputs produce a series of outputs. This can either be implemented using a large monolithic script or by using a combination of DSL2 modules and subworkflows. nf-core pipelines can have multiple workflows, such as processing different data types for the same ultimate purpose (such as in nf-core/viralrecon)