Workflow Diagrams

It is often useful to have simplified diagrams that outline the main functionality and steps of a pipeline. This helps new users get an overview of a workflow when visiting a pipeline webpage or repository for the first time.

Most workflow diagrams are made by hand using vector image editors such as the open-source Inkscape or commercial suites such as Adobe Illustrator. Useful tools for collaborative prototyping include Google Drawings or LucidChart. All examples and components below can be opened in these editors, and various parts borrowed and/or modified as necessary.

The components are also made available on bioicons, which offers extensions for Inkscape and to directly import them there.


See below for some examples of nf-core workflow schematics that can be re-used and modified for your own pipeline.


Please make sure to check for any attributions to be included within any derivative images, as defined by the corresponding license! We provide suggestions below.

Click the schematic image to see the original.

Workflow Examplenf-core PipelineLicense/PublicationSuggested attribution
nf-core/sarek workflownf-core/sarekFrom Garcia et al. (2020, F1000 Research) under a CC-BY 4.0 license.
nf-core/eager workflow simplenf-core/eagerFrom Fellows Yates et al. (2021, PeerJ) under a CC-BY 4.0 licenseCC-BY 4.0. Design originally by Zandra Fagernäs
nf-core/eager workflow detailednf-core/eagerFrom Fellows Yates et al. (2021, PeerJ) under a MIT license
nf-core/dualrnaseq workflownf-core/dualrnaseqBy Regan Hayward under MIT license
nf-core/circrna workflownf-core/circrnaBy Barry Digby under MIT license
nf-core/mag workflownf-core/magBy Sabrina Krakau under MIT licenseCC-BY 4.0. Design originally by Zandra Fagernäs
nf-core/bactmap workflownf-core/bactmapBy Anthony Underwood under MIT license
nf-core/cutandrun workflownf-core/cutandrunBy Chris Cheshire under MIT license
nf-core/sarek subwaynf-core/sarekBy Maxime U Garcia under MIT license
nf-core/rnaseq metro map greynf-core/rnaseqBy Sarah Guinchard under MIT license
nf-core/isoseq metro mapnf-core/isoseqBy Sébastien Guizard under MIT license

Components Cheatsheets

Components for a metro-map style pipeline workflowSVG
James A. Fellows Yates, Maxime Garcia, Louis Le Nézet & nf-core; under a CC0 license (public domain)


The web app helps you create, render and export different diagrams including metro-maps. For even more convenience you can use the following asset library nf-core xml item library. It contains all of the components from the cheatsheet above. To import it to use “File / Open library from / URL…” and paste:

Additionally, the components can be used via bioicons.