nf-core tutorial

Material originally written for the Nextflow Camp 2019, Barcelona 2019-09-19: “Getting started with nf-core” (see programme).

Duration: 1hr 30min

Updated for the nf-core Hackathon 2020, London 2020-03 (see event).

Updated for the Elixir workshop on November 2021 (see event).

Updated during the March 2022 hackathon.

Click here to download the slides associated with this tutorial.



The nf-core community provides a range of tools to help new users get to grips with Nextflow - both by providing complete pipelines that can be used out of the box, and also by helping developers with best practices. Companion tools can create a bare-bones pipeline from a template scattered with TODO pointers and CI with linting tools check code quality. Guidelines and documentation help to get Nextflow newbies on their feet in no time. Best of all, the nf-core community is always on hand to help.

In this tutorial we discuss the best-practice guidelines developed by the nf-core community, why they’re important and give insight into the best tips and tricks for budding Nextflow pipeline developers. ✨


What is nf-core

nf-core is a community-led project to develop a set of best-practice pipelines built using Nextflow.

The aim of nf-core is to develop with the community over GitHub and other communication channels to build a pipeline to solve a particular analysis task. We therefore encourage cooperation and adding new features to existing pipelines. Before considering starting a new pipeline, have a look if a pipeline already exists performing a similar task and consider contributing to that one instead. If there is no pipeline for the analysis task at hand, let us know about your new pipeline plans on Slack in the #new-pipelines channel.

Pipelines are governed by a set of guidelines, enforced by community code reviews and automatic linting (code testing). A suite of helper tools aim to help people run and develop pipelines.

What this tutorial will cover

This tutorial attempts to give an overview of:

  • creating new pipelines using the nf-core template.
  • what nf-core shared modules are.
  • adding nf-core shared modules to a pipeline.
  • creating new nf-core modules using the nf-core module template.
  • reviewing and releasing nf-core pipelines.

Where to get help

The beauty of nf-core is that there is lots of help on offer! The main place for this is Slack - an instant messaging service.

The nf-core Slack can be found at (NB: no hyphen in nfcore!). To join you will need an invite, which you can get at

The nf-core Slack organisation has channels dedicated for each pipeline, as well as specific topics (eg. #help, #pipelines, #tools, #configs and much more).

One additional tool which we like a lot is TLDR - it gives concise command line reference through example commands for most linux tools, including nextflow, docker, singularity, conda, git and more. There are many clients, but raylee/tldr is arguably the simplest - just a single bash script.

Installing the nf-core helper tools

Much of this tutorial will make use of the nf-core command line tool. This has been developed to provide a range of additional functionality for the project such as pipeline creation, testing and more.

The nf-core tool is written in Python and is available from the Python Package Index and Bioconda. You can install the latest released version from PyPI as follows:

pip install nf-core

Or this command to install the dev version:

pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall git+

If using conda, first set up Bioconda as described in the bioconda docs (especially setting the channel order) and then install nf-core:

conda install nf-core

The nf-core/tools source code is available at - if you prefer, you can clone this repository and install the code locally:

git clone nf-core-tools
cd nf-core-tools
python install

Once installed, you can check that everything is working by printing the help:

nf-core --help

Exercise 1 (installation)

  • Install nf-core/tools
  • Use the help flag to list the available commands

Creating nf-core pipelines

Using the nf-core template

The heart of nf-core is the standardisation of pipeline code structure. To achieve this, all pipelines adhere to a generalised pipeline template. The best way to build an nf-core pipeline is to start by using this template via the nf-core pipelines create command. This launches an interactive prompt on the command line which asks for things such as pipeline name, a short description and the author’s name. These values are then propagated throughout the template files automatically.

Contribution guidelines: one of the main ideas of nf-core is to develop with the community to build together best-practise analysis pipelines. We encourage cooperation rather than duplication, and contributing to and extending existing pipelines that might be performing similar tasks. For more details about this, please check out the contribution guidelines.

TODO statements

Not everything can be completed with a template and all new pipelines will need to edit and add to the resulting pipeline files in a similar set of locations. To make it easier to find these, the nf-core template files have numerous comment lines beginning with TODO nf-core:, followed by a description of what should be changed or added. These comment lines can be deleted once the required change has been made.

Most code editors have tools to automatically discover such TODO lines and the nf-core pipelines lint command will flag these. This makes it simple to systematically work through the new pipeline, editing all files where required.

Forks, branches and pull-requests

All nf-core pipelines use GitHub as their code repository, and git as their version control system. For newcomers to this world, it is helpful to know some of the basic terminology used:

  • A repository contains everything for a given project
  • Commits are code checkpoints.
  • A branch is a linear string of commits - multiple parallel branches can be created in a repository
  • Commits from one branch can be merged into another
  • Repositories can be forked from one GitHub user to another
  • Branches from different forks can be merged via a Pull Request (PR) on

Typically, people will start developing a new pipeline under their own personal account on GitHub. When it is ready for its first release and has been discussed on Slack, this repository is forked to the nf-core organisation. All developers then maintain their own forks of this repository, contributing new code back to the nf-core fork via pull requests.

All nf-core pipelines must have the following three branches:

  1. master - commits from stable releases only. Should always have code from the most recent release.
  2. dev - current development code. Merged into master for releases.
  3. TEMPLATE - used for template automation by the @nf-core-bot GitHub account. Should only contain commits with unmodified template code.

Pull requests to the nf-core fork have a number of automated steps that must pass before the PR can be merged. A few points to remember are:

  • The pipeline must be updated
  • PRs must not be against the master branch (typically you want dev)
  • PRs should be reviewed by someone else before being merged (help can be asked on the #request-review Slack channel)

Exercise 2 (creating pipelines)

  • Make a new pipeline using the template
  • Update the readme file to fill in the TODO statements

Testing nf-core pipelines

Linting nf-core pipelines

Manually checking that a pipeline adheres to all nf-core guidelines and requirements is a difficult job. Wherever possible, we automate such code checks with a code linter. This runs through a series of tests and reports failures, warnings and passed tests.

The linting code is closely tied to the nf-core template and both change over time. When we change something in the template, we often add a test to the linter to make sure that pipelines do not use the old method.

Each lint test is documented on the nf-core tools documentation website. When warnings and failures are reported on the command line, a short description is printed along with a link to the documentation for that specific test on the website.

Code linting is run automatically every time you push commits to GitHub, open a pull request or make a release. You can also run these tests yourself locally with the following command:

nf-core lint /path/to/pipeline

When merging PRs from dev to master, the lint command will be run with the --release flag which includes a few additional tests.


When adding a new pipeline, you must also set up the test config profile. To do this, we use the nf-core/test-datasets repository. Each pipeline has its own branch on this repository, meaning that the data can be cloned without having to fetch all test data for all pipelines:

git clone --single-branch --branch PIPELINE

To set up the test profile, make a new branch on the nf-core/test-datasets repo through the web page (see instructions). Fork the repository to your user and open a PR to your new branch with a really (really!) tiny dataset. Once merged, set up the conf/test.config file in your pipeline to refer to the URLs for your test data.

These test datasets are used by the automated continuous integration tests. The systems that run these tests are extremely limited in the resources that they have available. Typically, the pipeline should be able to complete in around 10 minutes and use no more than 6-7 GB memory. To achieve this, input files and reference genomes need to be very tiny. If possible, a good approach can be to use PhiX or Yeast as a reference genome. Alternatively, a single small chromosome (or part of a chromosome) can be used. If you are struggling to get the tests to run, ask for help on Slack.

When writing conf/test.config remember to define all required parameters so that the pipeline will run with only -profile test (with the exception of params.outdir). Note that remote URLs cannot be traversed like a regular file system - so glob file expansions such as *.fa will not work.

GitHub Actions workflows

The automated tests with GitHub Actions are configured in the .github/workflows folder that is generated by the template. Each file (branch.yml, ci.yml and linting.yml) defines several tests: branch protection, running the pipeline with the test data, linting the code with nf-core pipelines lint, linting the syntax of all Markdown documentation and linting the syntax of all YAML files.

Branch protection

The branch.yml workflow sets the branch protection for the nf-core repository. It is already set up and does not need to be edited. This test will check that pull-requests going to the nf-core repo master branch only come from the dev or patch branches (for releases). In case you want to add branch protection for a repository outside nf-core, you can add an extra step to the workflow with that repository name. You can leave the nf-core branch protection in place so that the nf-core pipelines lint command does not throw an error - it only runs on nf-core repositories so it should be ignored.


The linting.yml workflow will run the nf-core linting tests, as well as other linting tests that ensure that general code styling is maintained.

This workflow is already set up and does not need to be edited. It will check:

  • That markdown / YAML / JSON etc files are properly formatted, using Prettier.
  • That any Python is correctly formatted using Black.
  • That general code structure is maintained (e.g. no trailing whitespaces, final newline is present in all files) with EditorConfig.
  • That the pipeline code follows the nf-core linting rules.
    • You can run this manually with the nf-core pipelines lint command.
    • Some of the linting tests can be fixed automatically with the --fix subcommand, for example any files_unchanged type of error: nf-core pipelines lint --fix files_unchanged.

Tip: when using a code editor, some code editor settings might help you solve any code linting errors by linting when saving a file and even fixing the errors directly. You can check out this documentation on code editor plugins.


Black is a formatting software that allows the code to be formatted in a quick and efficient way.

It can be installed with the command pip install black, which requires Python 3.7+ to run.

To launch Black, just run it with sensible defaults:

black {source_file_or_directory}'

Alternatively, you can run the software as a package if running it as a script doesn’t work:

python -m black {source_file_or_directory}


Prettier is a code formatter with support for several file formats.

Use the following command to check if the files are already formatted:

prettier --check .

If you want to overwrite them use this command instead:

prettier --write .


Prettier is a tool used to make the code more consistent and readable. It’s a optionated code formatter that enforces a consistent style by parsing the code and re-printing it in its own rules.

Every code and file of the nf-core community needs to be checked and formatted by Prettier before the upload.

The command to check if the style of all files in your directory and its subdirectories is valid for Prettier is the following:

prettier -c .

While the command to automatically format the style of all the files in your directory with Prettier is the following:

prettier -w .

See pre-commit information here:

Continuous integration tests

The ci.yml workflow will run tests for your pipeline with the small test dataset. It should mostly work out of the box, but it may need some editing from you to customise it for your pipeline.

The matrix nxf_ver variable sets the NXF_VER environment variable twice. This tells GitHub Actions to run the tests twice in parallel - once with the latest version of Nextflow (NXF_VER='') and once with the minimum version supported by the pipeline. Do not edit this version number manually - it appears in multiple locations through the pipeline code, so it’s better to use nf-core pipelines bump-version --nextflow instead.

The provided tests run your pipeline with the -profile test,docker --outdir <OUTDIR> flags. This may be sufficient for your pipeline. However, if it is possible to run the pipeline with significantly different options (for example, different alignment tools), then it is good to test all of these. You can do this by adding additional tests in the jobs block. Do not try to add a run for every possible combination of parameters, as this would take too long to run.

Exercise 3 (testing pipelines)

  • Run nf-core pipelines lint on your pipeline and make note of any test warnings / failures.
  • Take a look at conf/test.config and edit the test data (you can use another dataset on nf-core/test-datasets).
  • Check that running the pipeline with the test profile passes

nf-core modules

The Nextflow DSL2 syntax allows the modularizing of Nextflow pipelines, so workflows, subworkflows and modules can be defined and imported into a pipeline. This allows for the sharing of pipeline processes (modules, and also routine subworkflows) among nf-core pipelines.

Shared modules are stored in the nf-core/modules repository. Modules on this repository are as atomic as possible, in general calling each one tool only. If a tool consists of several subtools (e.g. bwa index and bwa mem), these will be stored in individual modules with the naming convention tool/subtool. Each module defines the input and output channels, the process script, as well as the software packaging for a specific process. Conda environments, docker or singularity containers are defined within each module. We mostly rely on the biocontainers project for providing single-tool containers for each module.

The nf-core/modules repository also includes defined tests for each module which run on tiny test data on the nf-core/test-datasets repository (modules branch). The modules tests run in a similar way as pipeline tests on GitHub actions and ensure that modules are always functional and produce the desired results.

nf-core tools have a series of subcommands to work with nf-core modules.

nf-core modules --help

You can list all the modules that are available in the nf-core/modules repository with the following command:

nf-core modules list remote

You can filter the search by typing the name of a tool or part of it.

Adding nf-core modules to a pipeline

Adding nf-core modules to a pipeline, if the modules already exist in the nf-core modules repository, can be done with the following command (executing it in the main pipeline directory):

nf-core modules install <module name>

The modules files will be added under the modules/nf-core directory. To be able to call the module inside the main pipeline workflow (such as workflows/<pipeline-name>.nf) or a subworkflow, an include statement needs to be added in the corresponding Nextflow file:

include { TOOL_SUBTOOL } from '../modules/nf-core/modules/<tool/subtool>/main'

Tool options or other options that should be passed to the module can be defined in the modules.config configuration file.

If the module defines additional parameters, these parameters are directly available to the module, and their default should be specified in the conf/modules.config file (a warning Access to undefined parameter will otherwise be thrown). These parameters should also be included in the nextflow_schema.json parameter definition file, which can be done interactively by using the nf-core tool:

nf-core schema build

Adding modules to nf-core

In the same way as pipelines, nf-core modules are created from a template using the nf-core modules create command.

A step-by-step tutorial adding new modules has been created that explains the procedure in detail.

Exercise 4 (add a module to a pipeline)

  • Use the pipeline you created in Exercise 2 and add an nf-core module (e.g. trimgalore).
  • Connect the module to the main pipeline workflow (under workflows/<pipeline-name>.nf).


Subworkflows are chains of modules that offer a higher-level of functionality within the context of a pipeline. A subworkflow is able to run multiple tools on the same input file. Subworkflows should be shipped with the pipeline implementation and if required they should be shared amongst different pipelines directly from there. Shareable nf-core subworkflow files are available in the ‘subworkflow/’ directory of nf-core/modules along with the required documentation and tests.

Releasing nf-core pipelines

Your pipeline is written and ready to go! Before you can release it with nf-core there are a few steps that need to be done. First, tell everyone about it on Slack in the #new-pipelines channel. Hopefully you’ve already done this before you spent lots of time on your pipeline, to check that there aren’t other similar efforts happening elsewhere. Next, you need to be a member of the nf-core GitHub organisation. You can find instructions for how to do this at

Forking to nf-core

Once you’re ready to go, you can fork your repository to nf-core. A lot of stuff happens automatically when you do this: the website will update itself to include your new pipeline, complete with rendered documentation pages and usage statistics. Your pipeline will also appear in the nf-core pipelines list command output and in various other locations.

Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the Zenodo (automated DOI assignment for releases) services are not created automatically. These can only be set up by nf-core administrators, so please ask someone to do this for you on Slack.

Initial community review

Once everything is set up and all tests are passing on the dev branch, let us know on the #pipeline-maintainers channel in the nf-core Slack workspace and we will do a large community review. This is a one-off process that is done before the first release for all pipelines. In order to give a nice interface to review all pipeline code, we create a “pseudo pull request” comparing dev against the first commit in the pipeline (hopefully the template creation). This PR will never be merged, but gives the GitHub review web pages where people can comment on specific lines in the code.

These first community reviews can take quite a long time and typically result in a lot of comments and suggestions (nf-core/deepvariant famously had 156 comments before it was approved). Try not to be intimidated - this is the main step where the community attempts to standardise and suggest improvements for your code. Your pipeline will come out the other side stronger than ever!

Making the first release

Once the pseudo-PR is approved, you’re ready to make the release. To do this, first bump the pipeline version to a stable tag using nf-core pipelines bump-version, then open a pull-request from the dev branch to master. Once tests are passing and two nf-core members have approved this PR, it can be merged to master. Then a GitHub release is made, using the contents of the changelog as a description.

Pipeline version numbers (release tags) should be numerical only, using semantic versioning. For example, with a release version 1.4.3, bumping to 2.0 would correspond to the major release where results would no longer be backwards compatible. Bumping to 1.5 would be a minor release, for example adding some new features. Bumping to 1.4.4 would be a patch release for minor things such as fixing bugs.

We have compiled a detailed release checklist for your reference.

Template updates

Over time, new versions of nf-core/tools will be released with changes to the template. In order to keep all nf-core pipelines in sync, we have developed an automated synchronisation procedure. A GitHub bot account, @nf-core-bot is scripted on a new tools release to use nf-core pipelines create with the new template using the input values you used on your pipeline. This is committed to the TEMPLATE branch and a pull-request created to incorporate these changes into dev.

Note that these PRs can sometimes create git merge conflicts which will need to be resolved manually. There are plugins for most code editors to help with this process. Once resolved and checked, this PR can be merged and a new pipeline release created.

Exercise 5 (releasing pipelines)

  • Use nf-core pipelines bump-version --nextflow to update the required version of Nextflow in your pipeline
  • Bump your pipeline’s version to 1.0, ready for its first release!
  • Make sure that you’re signed up to the nf-core slack (get an invite on and drop us a line about your latest and greatest pipeline plans!
  • Ask to be a member of the nf-core GitHub organisation by commenting on this GitHub issue
  • If you’re a twitter user, make sure to follow the @nf_core account


We hope that this nf-core tutorial has been helpful! Remember that there is more in-depth documentation on many of these topics available on the nf-core website. If in doubt, please ask for help on Slack.

If you have any suggestions for how to improve this tutorial, or spot any mistakes, please create an issue or pull request on the nf-core/website repository.

Phil Ewels, Maxime Garcia, Gisela Gabernet, Friederike Hanssen for nf-core, March 2022