🇮🇹 Dept. Chemistry and Biology "A. Zambelli" - University of Salerno

Hackathon - March 2025

This is a subpage of the main event page: Hackathon - March 2025.

See the main event page for event registration and information about the event.

Dept. Chemistry and Biology "A. Zambelli" - University of Salerno

Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - 84084 Fisciano - Salerno



Attendees from outside University of Salerno are welcome!

Please bring your own laptop equipped with camera, headphones and microphone to be able to participate to remote activities. You will need a GitHub account and to join the nf-core slack server with the dedicated #hackathon-mar-2025 Slack channel.

WARNING: location change! We will be in:

Laboratorio Ecologico, Edificio F, piano 2, Lab 040: FSTEC- 08P02040

  • Aula F2 in Edificio F2 (Day 1 and 2)
  • Aula P7 in Edificio F3 (Day 3)

Main contacts:


This event is kindly hosted by the Department of Chemistry and Biology “A. Zambelli” of the University of Salerno in a joint initiative with the CNR Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems “Eduardo Caianiello” (ISASI - CNR)

Coffee and refreshments will be sponsored by Associazione di Promozione Educazione Comunicazione di Scienze ed Arti ETS-APS (APECSA)