Join us from March 10-14 for the Community Nextflow Training Week!
🎓 New training material on the Nextflow YouTube Channel
💬 Dedicated support for 1 week in the Community Forum “training” category
🎟 Sign up by clicking “Going” on the main event page
The training is entirely virtual and free. The main material is our brand-new “Hello Nextflow” training course. This has been rewritten from the ground up to teach you everything you need (and nothing you don’t) for your first steps with writing and running Nextflow pipelines.
If you’re ready for something more, we have more on offer - there are also new courses for Genomics, RNAseq, as well as “side-quests” for things like nf-test.
The training will be especially useful for those who are new to Nextflow and and thinking about joining the nf-core Hackathon in a few weeks’ time.
Support during training week.
To accommodate the large numbers we expect, all of the training material will be released on the Nextflow YouTube channel on Monday morning.
Seqera staff, Nextflow Ambassadors and other community members will be watching the “Training” category in the Nextflow community forum: https://community.seqera.io/c/training/39 As you follow the training, drop any problems or questions there and they will be on hand for super fast help 🚀
The YouTube videos will remain online after the training week, so don’t worry if you can’t make the dates (and our community is super helpful all year around 😍).
If you’re intending to join, please sign up by clicking “Going” on the training event page. This helps us to understand how many people will be attending and will help us to plan for future events.
You can find instructions and FAQ about how thw training will run in the Nextflow Training Week Instructions .